
Reminds me of the times, in which I was on either Twitter, YouTube and even on Jezebel and I would see:

This is patently ridiculous & out of touch, & I never thought I’d see it here. NO ONE uses cash anymore.

N wurd please.....LOL

As a child of divorce, there are definitely some scars that are still with me, but I have so much respect for my parents and how they handled the transition.

I was under the impression that Kanye was off his meds. I don’t say that in his defense. He should be taking his meds, he’s been told he needs to take his meds, his marriage broke up because he’s not taking his meds, he’s acting like a man with mental health issues who is not taking his meds.

I worry about Kanye having his kids unsupervised. He is so unwell. It is sad.

Been a long time fan. Glad to see the scope of your influence in magnifying the voices of our Blackness and Black sisters is expanding. Excellent article, hits the mark as always.

Most of those offers aren’t made to people whose other options are working for the most prestigious investment firm in the US, or a boutique architecture firm in frickin’ Spain.

(Narrator: the answer is coming from wealth.)

I have one and only one daughter and sometimes I cry for the world in which she has to inhabit. Thanks for this piece.

It’s kind of telling that Mr. Pryor never identifies these sugar daddies on Grindr as what the vast majority of them are: wealthy white men. And it’s not secret these men generally prey on young Black men with such offers on the regular…offers which are often, however temporary or long term, accepted.

I haven’t logged onto The Root in a few weeks, with most of the best writers.... ummmmm..... gone. And then I finally do and THIS IS WHAT I READ????

I’m such a pleb that I wash my hands after I wash my hands, because I touched my own filthy commoner hands.

Wouldn’t the time value of money dictate that you accept the cash and then invest it for maximum return?  I mean, if you did that right (and you worked at Goldman Sachs, so...), you wouldn’t have to do much of anything for anyone after long.  But what do I know?  I went to a state school.

What, you can’t fall back on doing architecture for a boutique firm in Europe if your Wall Street banking and having sex for cash options fall through?

BREAKING: Wealthy Gen-Z Privilege Baby Talks Himself Through Hilariously Unrelatable Problems, Exclusive Film at 11

What happens between consenting adults is much better than the theft and fraud of Goldman-Sachs and their co-conspirators of Wall Street.

Thanks for supporting sisters. Thanks for teaching Gullah. I hope to learn it some day. It's one of the most powerful inheritances Black Americans/ African-Americans that has been corrupted the least by White America.

The very reason I save my support or black women and girls only. Everyone eats off our plate , feels entitled to BW’s support and labor and give nothing return. 

Fellow Geechee here, love that you included the tawkin in your article; and yes, the eternal monitoring of Black women and girls is fatiguing. When we’re not being copied and imitated we’re being ridiculed or silenced.