
here is it. the heart and soul of a fake rape group supporter. Post links and have the world see them for what they are. wonder why you have no support?

LOL!!! the same old crap! Did not work anywhere else did it ylsa? You just don't learn. No one buys your hate except your little group. No one believes your constant lies and ever changing stories. No one believes your little temper tantrums. Even those aren't EPIC.

you were not there. pretend to be bon or ash, go ahead. you must need a little attention. Helping all those victims and survivors is difficult.

epic. wow. you will go down in the bowels of hist—-well, you'll go down to the bowels of something.

beautiful picture! thankyou and seeing smiles all around!

funny thing iamyelhsa, who's the liar here? Why don't you say who you are? Where you there? Why are you hiding? Aren't you proud of your EPIC performance? Didn't you actually win? as you say.

tom or mary

the only hate I see here is coming from you. But it's the means and method of your phoney little rape support group. Not to help victims, but to spew. I send 'em all your way so if there's any doubt, anyone can see what you are like.

Keep going, I love the world to see what this group is like, post the link and refer to the posts. Anyone can see the type of people who pretend to be a rape support group. Maybe that's why you've been such an EPIC failure.

your EPIC career let you down? Why don't you try some real victim support instead of following the cameras. NO, nevermind, you really don't have the makings to have compassion for real victims.