
Well, I meant she had a huge breakthrough in her evolution. She learned how Don thinks and became his equal. She is not what she was yesterday.

I thought the writing for Peggy's pitch was amazing and especially the part where she describes dinner in front of the TV, where Dad listens to Sinatra, the kids listen to the Rolling Stones, news of Vietnam in the background. That line was perfect. That line summed it all up for that time. The phrase … Vietnam in

Ending with Bert was kitchy. Certainly memorable and apropos as well. Although I have to say, since it was the last few moments of the season I wanted as much action packed in up to the last second as possible, so I was secretly a little aggravated.

Or he could be assigned to work for Peggy!

Ted's a wildcard, but Peggy has really stabilized in the story now so for her to go back to some pitiful situation like that would be a setback that the storyline doesn't have time for.

I think he might try but she won't go for it. She wants something real and I doubt that she'd waste her time.

I really didn't like Season 6 very much, except for the last episode. That whole dark, depressing theme with that relationship with the psychologist was irksome. This Season is the best yet because we're seeing everyone reaching for the truth of their existences and making real progress towards finding some peace,

Bert's old. He had to go so we could see a real transition into a new era for the agency. Anyway, Pete is a good guy now. He's the future of the agency.

The reviews are more recaps, and when they try to interpret sometimes they miss the boat. But you have to admit, these reviewers have a great command of the English language and a good writers. Just not always 100% correct.

I actually noticed that as Peggy and Don were sitting next to each other on the bed, Don's arm actually pressed against hers a little. The camera did a slight zoom in on this (zoom may not be accurate, but it was a movement in a closeup shot). I take this as a little ploy to maybe mislead the viewers and foster

Maybe Don will have him work for Peggy!! Oh how sweet that would be! His just desserts!

That was Roger's final heroic feat for the series. He's now the leader who cares about the people and has developed the strength to do the right thing rather than let others make all the decisions. We'll all remember him for this. We're going to remember everyone for the best of who they are. Roger has to make

Lol! Yes, I have repeated it. I don't think I ever got a response which is why. It's funny how clear the Neve ending is to me and I've never seen anyone comment. So you have to ask yourself " how will they run into each other again?" So that's how the vision of the car delearship came about. I'd love to hear how

He's not going back to cigarettes and airlines aren't in the picture anymore, but cars are, and it would make sense to give a final acknowledgement to the Mad Men sponsors (I.e. Car sponsors) by using it theme. This of course is being done at the moment - so maybe this is it in its entirety- who knows, well have to

Not baseless actually. This show centers around cars. Even the sponsors are Lincoln, Buick, etc. so to have Don do something that relates to cars is not only plausible, but probable. If the show ends with another day with Don at that office we are not going to be satisfied - we will feel it didn't really end. But

Don looked very sickened at the end. Not just because he saw a funny ghost either. This really is his Waterloo. He really can't stay now because he's always said and reiterated that he won't work for MCann. My predictions for him to leave the agency, maybe open a car dealership back home nearer to his kids are on

Last episode was optimistic in that Don maintained his job by making that pitch to Commander. This week he reconciled with Peggy. All very optimistic. Step by step leading up to the full enchilada.

Why wouldn't we have a happy ending. After all, Don is "doing the work". He keeps getting beaten down more and more and he's taking it and overcoming. Don is the protagonist of this story - the hero - so he has to come out on top.

"The Strategy" … they could have called it "The Dawning". Because the core group as I call them (Don, Pete, Peggy, Roger (Joan I'm on the fence about currently)) are discovering their strength in each other again and Roger has just stumbled upon the answer of how to get the company back. I've always said that in the

Lol! It could be anything. To see it randomly used was weird though - I mean on Cutler as well as Meredith - no connection. But the connection to the wild and vivid year of 1969 would be a possibility. Yellow daisies, flower power.