And that is after Nate lost his dad AND grandfather, and got dumped by Amaya, who there is a new version of on the team that doesn’t have feelings for him. You have to give Nate credit that mf rolls with the punches, but they sure do keep coming
And that is after Nate lost his dad AND grandfather, and got dumped by Amaya, who there is a new version of on the team that doesn’t have feelings for him. You have to give Nate credit that mf rolls with the punches, but they sure do keep coming
I am honestly not sure why I continue to love this show the way I do. Other shows have gone similarly off the rails and I left in frustration. But I unabashedly still love the shit out of this show, even when it does actively anger me while watching. Like at one point last night, I was just saying Veronica’s name out…
Yeah. I’m still thrown off a bit by that. Unless there are way more people in the neutral place that we haven’t encountered yet, the fact that she’s the only person in over 500 years to not go to the bad place makes me think doing a ton of blow and then donating a ton of money before I die is a solid plan.
Whilst I totally agree with pretty much everything you’re saying, I have to disagree with your last paragraph. While done brilliantly on Always Sunny, I think the paragon of perfectly portrayed mental illness on a television comedy has to be Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. They spent a long time setting up Rebecca’s diagnosis of…
Hey heads up! It’s not an aunt Jemima “doo rag”. It’s how black women protect their natural hair. Any black woman sitting at home lounging or sleeping is wearing that. It’s lined with silk so they don’t get tangled up. People just aren’t used to seeing women of color wear what is such a big part of our lives openly on…
Yes, Jiggly! I was hoping she’d get a shout out in the review but alas (she was also at the ball when they confronted Darius as well). And while she is a RPDR alum, it’s worth pointing that she’s trans, not just a drag queen.
The question of does Weinstein’s arrest bring you joy is something that has really troubled me. The whole situation is awful, there is no joy in it. When the pictures of him in the handcuffs came up online and writers started asking his accusers how happy they’re feeling now he is arrested, it made me sick.
He’s gonna be Edna Mode in his old age.