
Same here. Sorry not sorry

Hmmm she’s from a country where homosexuality is still illegal and gayse* discriminated against without any legal recourse...would like her to come to barbados and start a campaign to fuck that shit here too...

Your response makes no sense to me...:o

No it doesn't necessarily mean they can't get insurance just more likely they can't afford it. Do u have any idea how much an OBGYN pays in insurance? It's boggling!! It sounds like this practice had enough of this bullshit that's ruining medicine and opted out. It's then up to the patient if they're comfortable

I think going around with the walker camo all the time would make u die of nausea sooner rather than later...plus u have to shuffle around all the time i would get tired of that fast...incidentally in world war Z try mention that some ppl carried the zombie camo thing a bit too far and convinced themselves they were

I've tried to like exercise I stuck with it for three weeks once but I need to accept I'm a lazy shit and just focus on eating better and letting walking my dog be enuff exercise :/


I choked on my water laughing. Hope ur happy XD

I feel so super ridiculous for tearing up but I did!! I wanna give him all the scratches!

Like a boss!

That's because that's a nasty ole rancid coconut she's using. Nobody in the tropics drink that crap u have to get a young green coconut to have proper coconut water

Ok guys that is NOT a young coconut. Young coconuts give about three times more water than that and it doesn't taste like rancid crap. Young coconuts are also green and have not yet developed that hard brown she'll she's 'piercing' .. Bottom time: don't tall about fruits you don't know about Martha gahhh

Why hope for such delayed retribution? I hope they fucking all die soon - slow painful deaths, preferably involving flaying

Wow seriously?!!

I miss fringe :'(

all you people in these comments defending this at the least supremely stupid woman's actions! I don't care your supervisors told you 'it's all good', I don't care no one expressly told you not to travel. I don't care about your denial of being sick. You are a trained health care professional- hopefully you got there

fuck this woman. Such utter stupidity and lack of common sense. For a wedding.

lol your dad sounds awesome! And let Phil in... Why not?!

THIS. It's like shouting into the wind here tho ppl on Jezebel love to yell cultural appropriation for the least effin thing.. I once stopped reading for days the stupid comments on this topic got me so pissed off

I'm sorry you believe this. It's obvious from his reaction in the video this couldn't be the first time he's done this. No one who is not a serial abuser (or a psychopath) could've had that reaction... Or maybe it really is the first time and he is a psychopath... Either ways no.