
In your face part time 4wd and other inferior wheel drives!

Actually GTFO would be a badge I could go for

Don’t even get me started on this one.

If the minivan had a V8 sticker or a TT sticker we might care.

Stop using the word Hoon, its a sanctioned race, not Ken Block out bashing around some industrial area. Sure its aggressive, but there is nothing anti social about pressing on, just get the job done if it isn’t in the rule books that you have to finish with all four wheels. It might be anti social if he ignored the

They are Persol 714 and I wear Polo brand haha.

I start to feel bad for the predator. The fox is in the arctic, how long does he have to go without a meal?

When will they come out with a R rated version? It’s really a let down when no animal dies on camera. It’s so hipster that it kinda kills it for me when I get all hyped seeing a cheetah chase a gazelle only have the gazelle get away.

Thank You. The US version was terrible because of the narrator. Let’s let the best person do the narrating once again. Attenborough’s luscious voice was made for this.

I’m hoping for two things:

lol, all Jalopnik needs to do now is write how “muscular” Hillary is.

The kind that doesn’t care what his co-workers thing about his ride?

As if Clinton lies are somehow more acceptable...and her supporters more objective...

Everything out of both of their mouths is a complete lie. If you believe a word either says, you’re beyond help.

I must be the only person that finds Eddie Jordan entertaining in a crazy old man kind of way.

Tiff is the superior old man motoring presenter. Get him in, at least to wing Chris Harris (pretty sure you’ve seen Harris’ mythical triple-test).

Former veterinary nurse here. I obviously know about dogs overheating in cars, but I question this. You can’t just smash the window, you also have to get the dog out of there and cooled down. I’ve seen really experienced animal nurses be mauled to hell when trying to help a distressed animal. Breaking the window in a

If someone is capable of earning more than $1 million, what gives any of us the right to say that they can’t or shouldn’t get paid that? Now if your goal is to get companies to redistribute the wealth by limiting how much they can pay CEO’s, that sounds great on paper until inflation catches up to all those people who

Who are you to say what people deserve? If I created something or performed some service that was deemed incredibly valuable, what right do you have to say I can only keep $X of what I earned?

Waiting on the liberals to jump all over this, preaching about how fossil fuels are the spawn of Satan and a gateway drug to being a Republican.. or the conservatives to start blaming Obama, claiming it was an inside job to push the southern people into more efficient vehicles..