Dan Wiencek

I'm glad Arya got snowed. She's become so powerful and clever and in command it's actually starting to get boring.

I am glad to not be the only curmudgeon who refuses to call "Star Wars" "A New Hope."

There's a great moment blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment in Supremacy I especially like. When Bourne is in a taxi following Landy to CIA headquarters, you catch a momentary glimpse of a poster advertising a demonstration scheduled for that day. Minutes later, when Bourne is on the phone arranging to meet Nicky Parsons,

I'd argue the same is true of DD S2, actually.

Kyle is basically Stuart from Big Bang Theory.

Not to mention that at the time this episode is set, Bonnie had suffered an injury in a car wreck and could barely walk on her own.

Whoever groomed the Irish setter might want to think about blowing his brains out.

I suppose we must read another Rambo review next month, but the runner-up better be Police Story.

I don't even need to read the link to be onboard with this. Ferris is a smug, insufferable prick, and when I run across the movie on TV now, I root for him to get caught.

There was a great one in the 70s (I think) where Patty and Marcy are at a Christian camp and Patty becomes convinced after hearing their campfire sermons that the world is going to end. She frets and frets until she goes into the camp's office and sees a model for huge, expensive-looking new building the camp is

I wish I could disagree with this review. *sigh*

It also bears mentioning that if you're treating *your own witness* as hostile, your case is pretty much circling the drain.

Even before taking the umpteenth desperate phone call, Claire seemed too normal to be into an emotional tire fire like Raj. The only love interest they ever came up with for Raj who made sense was Lucy. I wish she could have stuck around.

If every movie as bad as The Protector inspired a movie as good as Police Story, this would be a much better world.

"It has the visual trappings of a prestige drama without any of the innards."

I miss this show. "_______" is a quiet little town," spoken in a Winfieldesque drawl, remains a go-to joke in our household.

I thought he forever ruined himself for Rosa by talking about his … feelings. <shudder>

It's telling, I think, that Mary is at her most open with her servants — people over whom she has some kind of power and whom she therefore realizes will never use her own emotions to hurt her.

"Why must Edith, the injured party, recognize that their connection outranks their rancor?"

Cora and the girls leading tourists through Downton was probably the funniest moment in the entire series. "He built lots of other great … big buildings." Any more and they could have had the Upper Class Twit of the Year games out on the lawns.