
Tell that to my PC.

Umm, How about they test this on people who actually wear a lab coat for the real work. I wear one all the time for work, but never did for class. I would believe that i would not pay any better attention if i was wearing my lab coat. Also i would stink to high hell, Organic Synth Labs make for stinky lab coats.

Yea Microsoft go ahead and do that. And i will finally go back to PC only gaming. Seriously, all the content that i have for the 360 and the XBOX i would get a bit pissed if i cannot play that on the new system, because like my PS3 i find it annoying i need to have my PS2 still to play PS2 classics. Like i really want

I agree with you. My research was once funded through NASA and its related subsidiaries. Now, i am partially paying out of pocket to finish my doctorate. And Why?

That made me laugh so hard. Especially thinking of scanning it. Would it be pre, post, or during coitus? So many options.

You make a valid point. This may just be the physics/tech demo, but i would think if they developed the physics engine they would still have applied some better weights to the objects. So yea not going to go into the massive weight distribution among the entire fabric or hair but i still think that cape should have

I notice there is no addressing of the access to contacts and photos by applications here. I thought that was also supposed to be addressed in this update. Anyone know what is going on with that debacle? Will it end up in 5.1.1 or what?

I agree with the comments that the objects here have little to weight defined in the physics system here. They all move around way too wildly. A cape like that will have some weight, and some distribution of it higher among the stitching areas. Making it move less and have more flow from side to side and top to

I agree with the argument. It is really hard to replace the feel and more precise movements that a controller or a mouse and keyboard offer with a touch interface.

"You've got a real attitude problem, McFly. You're a slacker! You remind me of your father when he went here. He was a slacker, too."

I played that ducktales game a ton when i was a kid on my NES and that echo was iconic in all the games soundtracks if i recall correctly. It was also all over the entire NES sound catalog though.

If i could promote your comment i would. That made me laugh a good long laugh.

Holy Hell, i had to go back and see if that was the part i was thinking of when i watched it before the comments. You are correct. And i agree. Totally Scatman

That is good to hear, i looked at it and basically thought one major thing: I really hope that the input boards were of high quality and the inner board connections were well soldered and placed. I am glad to hear that this was not the case.

I too am a bit worried about the motion controlled aspect that Kinect will be bringing into the gameplay mechanics. But then i clicked the link above for the old controller add on they had for the first one. Just wow. That thing is massive, ill take Kinect over that.

Yea and then try to send a text message with instructions for lab work, or any technical science jargon that is not included in the dictionary. And then the auto correct battle begins, i will stick to using the Phone function of my Phone when i damn well please. And if you have a problem with my conversation, put some

Thank you for clearing that up. I was rather angry when i thought those were the screens for the upcoming Obsidian RPG. I was all WTF.

Just started playing my old copy of JSRF for the Xbox to gear up for this summer.

As a long time SSX fan. I have a few really big gripes with this game.

Yea that was really my perspective, the business end. Personally, I would not be buying a bundle of the system for anything but a new release game to upgrade my old loud 360 for a nice quiet new slim 360. I would not want a bundle with three games i already have. And I assume that most other gamers are thinking along