
That is a serious screw up

It will be sad to see them go if it happens. Some good games are made out of their mismanaged company. I do love my saints row

Firstly, This feels like an angry teenage rant. And i feel it is bullshit, i already give the industry you are referring to a lot of money a year for games and products associated with consoles. Then on top of that we all took the price hike for DVDs and Bluray format games with stride. Now they want more money for

Well, And i now have more than just the command console reason to repurchase the game for the PC when it gets cheaper so i can enjoy all that goodness.

Now i played 13 out of need to continue playing the series and found some enjoyment in the gameplay and story line. I also played it right around the time i played Heavy Rain. 13 felt like heavy rain with FF combat and some walking controls instead of go here buttons. I really enjoyed the graphics playing it on the

I only lend games to people who either: Live with me, I am very close friends with, or they let me borrow games.

I want that cake. And i agree.

Dear Kotaku Editors and Writers,

Ok. I apologize for forgetting who started this shit. Thought it was capcom, but i guess it was any of these fighting games selling costumes and extra characters on the first few weeks out. Point in case, they are still Douchers.

Yay another company on the We had this ready at release BUT we are squeezing more money out of you. Chumps.

Here is my arguement. I am in my mid 20's still in grad school and moving around a lot in the last ten years. I have been playing console and PC games since before i can really remember. I am from New orleans, Katrina took most of my SNES collection and almost all of my N64. For some reason thank my sister for having

No no sir, not litter box. Take it skeet shooting. That will be more cathartic. Though letting something shit on/in it is not a bad idea either now that i think of it.

Go ahead and try microsoft. I dare you. Ill go back to playing everything on PC and violently torrenting everything possible including new updated entire games since i wont just be able to patch. Just because you want to piss on your user basis by appeasing the developers and production companies. Hard to sell

I play tiny tower only because of its somewhat similar game dynamic to simtower. But you can go broke in simtower, into the negative. Tiny Tower not possible, the game is not a sim, just a vertical farmville take on the simtower genre. It has lost its appeal mostly and i have moved back to the real world, logging

Yea it does matter if the service is down as well. That is a payed service, and that means much more for Microsoft if it goes down. Real reimbursement for time the service is down, not just some measure of good will. Also if the do get any information then passwords is the least of the users worries, and credit card

I feel like this is Professor Farnsworth's what if machine. Once you see it, you can't unsee it!

I am one of those gamers who wants to show the game who is boss. Thank you Levine. Bioshock 1& 2 on hard was not hard, just annoying and sometimes a massive thorn in the side. Take away my money and ammo, crank up the difficulty, yea nothing there. Make the AI smarter and pathing more random. Make enemy types change

So Gawker network sites are considered a Blog when people attack your credibility, bias, self-promotion (i am looking at you gizmodo), and articles that never saw an editor or a basic grammar check. But when you get yelled at for not taking a side your suddenly journalists, a news outlet for the people, unbiased mass

Did you see that Brian Crecente will be the news editor for the related (i think sister site) for gaming for the Vox network of sites (seems that theverge is their main one). And it does really have the look and feel of the older engadget, so that makes sense.

I gave up Gizmodo a long time ago as a go to site for time killing, that is really what it became last year or so after the iPhone debacle. But more recently it turned into drull self promoting filth laden with timed ads and flamebait titles for shit articles that were slapped together never edited and therefore