Or would it be riding the hoverboard in these shoes? (because then all we need is the talking self drying jacket)
Or would it be riding the hoverboard in these shoes? (because then all we need is the talking self drying jacket)
And an old Biff, with said elements and a cane.
Someone at Techland just facepalmed thinking: "Shit, I knew there was one more file that needed to be checked. Damn."
So at what point in fishing does one jump in the water and starting pelting a hooked fish with their fists? Just let me take the speargun if I am going to punch it. That'll get it outta the water faster.
Oh if only. The irony of that one.
Those are hideous. Just Wow assaulting my sanity with that color.
It's ok, because sometimes i wake up and remember that the vast majority of my country is complacently retarded. And while I continue to educate myself as far as i possible can, somewhere millions are getting dumber.
My thoughts too. (also hoping that was a Nelson from the simpsons style Ha Ha! with finger pointing and all)
Having been there in the one you are referring to I completely agree and am glad that some one pointed this out before i had to get angry and post something. Some signs up and boarded up windows don't compare to destruction and water lines that are over 6 feet high. New York was Closed, not Destroyed.
And maybe i am just an ass and i want to see/hear someone in pain from some hot sauce, huh how about that Psychologists?
God i think... Yep i just shit myself a little thinking of the damage a small earthquake could do to 200,000 traditional harddrives. Ohh the agony.
Yes because i really want to spend another $30.00 US out the door for content that wont be available at the current moment. Just for some savings long term, and initial boost of sales profit for them. Bullshit.
My guess. The iCondom. (Because Jobs noticed that in the recession this was one of the things that increased in sales, and he wont endorse most of the others.)
Well then, it's good i lost my star.(oh so very long ago) The terrorists reading here wont see my post!
I agree with on the second part there. That is really odd. And now i must read it and see if it correlates at all.
I knew i wouldn't be the only one saying pong. I might have been born in the 80s but my father had an old 70's pong set. That got me into gaming, shortly after that he found me a C64. I think it was almost the 90's before i had a Nintendo product.
Not really, i work with hydrazine. Interesting facts: It has 100% volume burn capability. Low vapor ignition point 4.7% V/V with no upper threshold. Also it causes irreversible liver damage and eye problems starting at concentrations of 10 ppb V/V %.
That was my thought too. Where is supporting argument that this is just android users and not just smartphone users in general. Could we get an age break down too, that would surely change that data immensely.
And we didn't realize how much money we were making off it either! No that isn't my new Ferrari. What are you talking about, my wife is loaded.