@Hello Mister Walrus: Yea seems right. And thats a lotta money. i mean i can always buy new tech.
@Hello Mister Walrus: Yea seems right. And thats a lotta money. i mean i can always buy new tech.
@destryer: Absolutely man, i completely agree. Glad someone noticed that i was commenting on the ludicrous price and why anyone would see this as necessary.
@laylaholic: Southwest is internal United States only, maybe canada not sure. And if i can afford to go to signapore, well i can afford to start paying off those student loans. Just making a comment on how much they want to charge for a little luxury, and mostly leg room. Since international flights have very nice…
15,000 thousand for a seat on a plane. Ill take my shit leg room and fly southwest for like $150 a flight, thank you very much.
@Bucky Rodgers: I was just wondering the same thing. Had to, look at the damage to the board from the dirt.
Interesting how the only major Tech company not on the list is Microsoft. Oh thats right they been spying ever since the genuine check for updates. Ahh that explains it. That or Steve Ballmer downloaded personally, and is giving it out to employees, techs, and interns on those free Windows 7 Phones.
@gmjhowe: Great DIY project, and love the last reason why too. Cuz it looks wicked cool!
I grew up in New Orleans for my entire youth and teen years. All i have to say after 20+ Mardi Gras in teh quarter, the key is to say excuse me a lot and make yourself as small as possible to slip through cracks that randomly form in the crowd. Looking at your feet is a good way to get nailed in the face with incoming…
@Donuthead: Cable where i live is a good analogy, since i have two companies fighting for my internet subscription normally. And then for TV there are three out here, so where i live the monopoly isn't so apparent. Granted one company does have the majority of the area as customers, but its due to customer service, …
@EBone: Well if that is the case then: Hey Steve this is my all non apple setup. Just ignore the really old ipod in the corner, it was a christmas present.
I agree and disagree all at the same time. I do look at my entertainment center and see nothing but glossy black, and a little red (yea the samsung has a some character). And your right it sure as hell doesn't match my $50 couches that i bought off a friend moving out, or the 1970's recliner that came with house. But…
Ugh, big brother for phone applications. Now we are watching what our code is doing. Seriously whats next.
Awesome 1980's retro beauty. The color scheme reminds me of something Cyndi Lauper would have on back in the day.
Apples wall of integrity for applications seems to me like another wall, you know the Berlin Wall (no not the great wall of china). Someday, hopefully sooner than later, it will come crashing down.
Ok, so the Russians decided that instead of angry scruffy looking KGB agents from the cold war era, hot Russian women and young nerdy tech guys were a much better option. Well played Russia, Well Played.
@SkelatorDan: Freaking Awesome. I think this should be the new office tactic for firing, no face time. They have no idea who shot it in, or who (except for the highest power in the office) actually fired them. On a second note, i really want to use this for more devious things as well.
@SkelatorDan: Or even better fire someone by firing a message into their cubicle.
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Make sure that mother is on full auto, and something tells me your gonna win the SMS war.
Ok, this makes me nostalgic for all things great from my 80's and 90's childhood. The greatness of phone phreaking that still existed in the wonderful era of the payphone to the simple child filled joy of shooting anything from a slingshot at something you were not supposed to (i.e. neighbors window). Also its a great…
@xaronax: Yea the Ghosts are extremely poorly coded. They don't have a proper follow pattern. I did play for 5 levels or so to see if they got "smarter" at following me, but it seems that they run a set track with small variations. I know that those little bastards, especially blinky, hunts that little yellow man down…