Somehow i see this thing as an immense source of the sobering smell of stale urine that resides so strongly in mens room at bars. Seriously, we need to wash that urine down, once its started reacting with air, that smell happens.
Somehow i see this thing as an immense source of the sobering smell of stale urine that resides so strongly in mens room at bars. Seriously, we need to wash that urine down, once its started reacting with air, that smell happens.
Or you can just get the free case from apple, and take the extremely small amount of money from them that they pay for the bumpers production. Oh and the extremely small cost of shipping them.
@ads2k2: 200 pages for 25 cents = .00125 cents per page of paper. The notebooks that you are discussing are a drastic increase in price comparably from standard paper.
Having been in college a while, now grad school i was interested in the first generation of smart pens a few years back. The major downfall of those at the time was not the price of the pen; however, it was the need for specific paper required for the pen. And that was the deal breaker, given that to take all the…
@Curves: Go No FB account people, myself included. Some people know Gizmodo is a better way to waste time at work!
This continues to make me thankful that i don't use and form of social networking other than the forms that were available in the 1980's. Rolodex (or contacts list) and people who i can deal with in real life face to face. Though i know someone will comment on me commenting as a form, so be it atleast its not my real…
@drmrw: Only issue being the price of that double scotch, something tells me that i can't find bottom shelf old aged scotch, and don't wanna pay a bar a tenth the price of a good bottle for a drink. Well damn, just have to go to the store then. mmmm (homer simpson style)... Macallan 21.
Sloth in low Res will look more handsome then in the movie. However the truffle shuffle will be hard to render in these graphics, and that missing from anything Goonies is essentially a crime.
@That Guy: Yea not happening, I teach at a college and let me assure you when we see an iPhone out we see cheating and nothing else in a testing situation. During lab or class we see and asshole with his/her iPhone out not paying attention.
Seriously true, i got old Orignal TI-83 way back when, in ironically 1996 (maybe early 97). And to buy that same model now, costs $10 less than the original 110, because you know the TI-83+ is superior to the old TI-83!
@drmrw: Epic, but my scotch has to be old enough to order its own scotch.
Remember the chain gun style pump action that shot small yellow nerf balls. It could hold some ridiculous amount of ammo, but you could never find it all after you shot them all. Ahh Nerf, I feel nostalgic as hell right now. So many baby sitters hassled in the 90's because of your darts and foam ammunition.
Go Dr. Liquor. Helping millions worldwide!
Ha. Comic books are entertaining and well illustrated. The only illustrated bible is for kids, and sure as hell doesn't have scantly clad women in form fitting spandex. Go Comics. And Go scantly clad women, mmmmmm......... scantly clad women.
Freaking Really, Come on a Wii is less than that now! (and did i mention is still comes with Wii Sports)