@BlunderBus: How about Latitude, Navigation, or the ability to download and install apps from anywhere instead of just the App Store?
@BlunderBus: How about Latitude, Navigation, or the ability to download and install apps from anywhere instead of just the App Store?
Really?? That is one shitty thief and one lucky dude.
@Edd White: I thought one of the reasons behind banning modded consoles is because it allows you to cheat durring online play?
@Master_Soda: I didn't really discover the usefulness of mobile flash until I thought about all of those flash games you can play. Most games from the Market are no better than these web games and they're all FREE! ahhhhh, openness :)
@llamalounge: Maybe you should start leaving your phone at home before you go drinking.
@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: there are exhibitions at airfields all of the time. since when is that not ok? the pilot is very lucky no one was standing on the runway.
edit: Les Stroud or Bear Grylls?
Les Stroud Bear Grylls
@SKiTz: i just had to re-enter my server settings and everything went back to normal
My office blocks all of the good stuff :(
@Lactose_The_Intolerant: Thank you! awesome info
@PresidentKennedy: it's called a line of blow on your steering wheel :) with a little practice you can even keep your eyes on the road.
Most of the time I don't text while I drive, but when I need to, Android's new Voice Actions is actually really good. I know the author isn't a fan but it works really well. Plus, most of the time a few wrong words in a text are perfectly acceptable. I equate it to looking for a band on your PMP. Risky, but a much…
@Charles Gedeon: Does anyone know if you can install a separate launcher (like Launcher Pro) on an HTC and use it instead of Sense UI?
@RoboBagins: That's exactly what I was thinking as well.
@nicklar: They invented it. Let them patent it. It's really simple. There is always a better way to do things, patents force you to look for them.
@CollReg: no, you're breeding extremely efficient party animals :)
@gemcosta: OR! for free you can not give them a cell phone.
@williamgarzon: haha 4.4 gigs!??! that is awesome, seriously. After 8 hours a day of music streaming this doesn't seem crazy at all, but, at first I was blown away.