
Poor Gene Munster, never being right about anything, ever, must be a hard way to live life.

@Zinger314: and your computer is a Companion Cube...mod anybody?

@Interstella5555: "But that just doesn't make sense...it's not the look, it's how the software works."

@pcn: Google: program dock. There are a bunch.

@Joe Stoner: Try changing the entire look and feel of OSX. Oh, but you can't.

@Zomb: When did the military stop getting paid?

@Jeff: With satellite internet connections, ANYONE can have broadband access no matter where they live.

I can pay for my own internet thank you very much, and I don't need the government looking over my shoulder because they "supplied the service". Fuck that.

I'm heading up to the beautiful Idaho wilderness tonight for some shooting stars and beers. Should be a great show.

@The_Vitto: because this Droid keyboard is sub par to say the least. Unless you can pick one of these Droid 2 keyboards up on ebay or something for very cheap, there's no way it would be worth it. Just get a Droid 2.

@eaglen: That depends. Do you want a physical keyboard? Droid 2. Huge screen? X. All around badass phone? Incredible. Do you like Sense UI or Motoblur?

@The Professor: He actually lives in California, or at least that's where the Branchr headquarters is.

@Sean Harrington: No, but all you have to do is wait a couple more seconds and it will initiate whatever command it's been given.

@Rockanon: doesn't work on my Moto Droid with 2.2 either.

@trendspotter: Sometimes, large corporations will buy a smaller company to simply remove it from competition.

This is great. I used the old voice search in my car all of the time to send texts. Now I will use it even more. Google, keepin' me (a little) safer.

That song is awesome

@FrankenPC: That comment was as idiotic as saying Al Gore invented the internet.