
It changed to a different theme every time I would switch from vibrate to ringer. I don't know if that's how it's supposed to be, but I didn't like it. Uninstalled.

@Zerod Zunaro: I think the level of awareness towards recycling today is much greater than it was in the 50's. So, hopefully this is a non-issue because aluminium is so widely recycled already.

@SJRNWT: Think of this site as social discipline for those who feel it's acceptable to dress like complete trash in public.


@mrsilver: i'm pretty sure the "more pressing issues" you speak of are known today as Froyo.

@hostile17: Apple portrays an image of superiority over other brands. And they charge accordingly for their products. If you're going to boast about your products all day they better not have any problems.

@blehbleh13: Apple did this with the "Mac vs. PC" ads and it worked better than anyone could imagine. Compared to the attack ads Apple launched against Vista, these Motorola ads are nothing.

Arthur C Clarke could have been the richest man to ever live if he had the skill set to go with his imagination


@BanthaBus: If the level of radiation is not harmful, then it shouldn't need a warning. That is like putting a warning on the street that says, "Caution, this street may contain varied levels of concrete!"

wow. that picture is amazing!

@b33g33: I agree, a software update at the very least....

@MayorBloomberg: hmm....that is interesting. I interpreted that section completely differently, you're right though. That fooled me big time, and if you look in the comments of that article you'll see that a lot of readers thought the same thing I did.

This is very cool. Mozilla basically negated the problem of screen real-estate when having more than 7 tabs open. I almost never have that many web pages open at one time, but, now I can if i want. I have the choice to put as many pages open as I would like while keeping them in some sort of order. It is like they

@Samo: i love that GIF

@baconbot: technically, that is still physical media. just a different medium for storage.

@InsidiousTuna: you are crazy! although, it is your right to have an opinion. Everything you read about these phones say they're awesome. Engadget even recommended it above the iPhone 4.

@Standish: i think i can see some baby in his teeth

That is so awesome.