
@LessthanZach: Visited, I have family that lives in Redding.

@Monty: That was amazing. If only I had a star to give. You tastefully made fun of At&t, hipsters, and twilight in just two sentences. Bravo sir.

@ri59: They removed apps that were know to be malicious.

i could use 10 g's

@confusedpublic: If you are not LGBT, then you have no say as to whether or not the use of the word "queer" is offensive since it does not apply to you.

@Time Pilot AKA: Seriously! Supplement some of those binaural beats for some Time and see where that takes you.

@deantrippe: I spy with my little eye a ferocious Octobark

@danulp02: oops. i could have just looked right under the post. nm

@Bluecold: You can really get called out for not knowing your shit on this site haha. Someone knows something about everything.

@Matt0505: But, from the beginning, the reason this got so so out of hand was because of the way Apple handled it. By telling customers that just put up $200+ that they were wrong and to hold if differently was IMO the fuel for the fire. They had a chance to diffuse the situation right from the beginning and they

@reluttr: he'll have his own annoying mac commercial soon.

@SKiTz: Truth! The phone has been in the wild for a MONTH. How can you accurately determine a satisfaction rating within that amount of time?

Joel, write whatever you want. Be as politically incorrect as you want. As a writer, it is your responsibility to test the minds of your readers.

@macpatrik: haha alright so there are apple ads on the net....

@nicktennear: I honestly believe Apple will fall victim to the same things M$ did. The curse is simply being the top dog in the tech industry. If M$ can fall, anyone can.

@macpatrik: Show me where their online ads are. I rarely see an ad for Apple on the web. BTW apple.com doesn't count :)

this is a bummer. i was really hoping for a home run here