*tries to high five, flails, falls over*
*tries to high five, flails, falls over*
It's Shyriiwook, not Wookie-ese!
It was a really funny line, but what are the odds that Axl has any idea who the Penguin is? He's far too young to be familiar with the Adam West show, the character hasn't been in the Nolan movies, and there is virtually no way he's seen him leave an umbrella behind during a caper or somesuch in a comic book.
I briefly thought that people might accidentally answer "Who is Kirk Alyn?" but then quickly realized that LITERALLY NO ONE WOULD EVER FORGET GEORGE REEVES BUT REMEMBER KIRK ALYN.
I don't know if I would have called it "fairly creepy" so much as "utterly batshit insane", but yes.
Man, I have GOT to get my hands on a Sesame Street playlist somewhere. I've had "Daddy Dear" running through my head for eons.
Kinda like when Emo Phillips held up his UHF residual check (for under a dollar) in Weird Al's Behind the Music. "The gift that keeps on giving!"
THANK YOU! That's where I know her from! That was making me insane.
Mulaney strikes me as a show that is actively commenting on hacky material by presenting itself as hacky material. However, that line gets blurred a lot, and usually what's left is straight up hackwork. Every now and then there's a glimmer of real intelligence and promise, but the vast majority of the show is just not…
No you don't.
And he's got Tempus Fugit hiding in a closet somewhere! "Hello? DUH."
I am given to understand that the characters on SCORPION are geniuses. They talk about genius things and have genius conversations and do not understand your simple human emotions because they are geniuses who genius about genius. Genius? Genius. Genius genius genius WE GET IT GUYS
I can handle all the murderclowns you want to throw at me, but I legit had to leave the room for the scene with Meep in the cell.
CBS is the only major network that doesn't own a chunk of Hulu, hence every other network being so freaking easy to watch and, IMHO, making Hulu Plus the easiest $8/month I ever convinced myself to spend once I decided to get rid of cable.
CBS owns Paramount, I believe. And Paramount was Cheers' studio.
What I love is that Baker is so clearly annoyed by the fact that there's someone on set capable of out-eccentricing him.
As someone who's been a Pats fan since before they were any good (and they were literally the worst team in professional football for thirty years before Parcells came on board and gave them any semblance of legitimacy), I can assure you that Patriots fans are, indeed, the absolute worst. Entitled, obnoxious,…
Upvoted for "This is an astute point, Tits".
Did she ever reach the sky?
I think there's also a sense that if they come out and say "Sheldon is autistic", they will be instantly under an avalanche of shit from people screaming that autistic people don't act the way Sheldon acts. Sheldon's not an asshole because he may or may not be on the spectrum (in my experience, someone on the spectrum…