Commander Plutonium

One thing that I really appreciate about this series is the way they manage to bring Luke and Danny's relationship almost verbatim from the old '70s and '80s Power Man and Iron Fist series without beating us over the head with it. Yes, Danny grew up in isolation and as a result is not the most socially graceful person

I kind of love that Patton is pretty much the most famous person on screen, and he's the one giving off the biggest "I can't believe I get to be here" vibes.

That half-second shot of Adam and Maury smiling in unison had tears streaming down my face.

The first season or so, when it was a romantic comedy about Lois and Clark and where Superman was more of a flavoring than an actual central part of things, was pretty terrific. After it turned into another Superman show, it got a lot less interesting. That said, John Shea was SO MUCH FUN as Luthor, and I will always

Afternoon, everybody!

My pick for S is and always shall be "She Said She Said". Not only does it have an awesome, immediately memorable riff, but it showcases very probably the greatest drumming Ringo ever did. This song (and "Rain", for that matter) is some of the greatest evidence ever for anyone who ever said "fuck you" to anyone who

Maxwell's Silver Hammer is a really fun song that gets unfairly shit on (in no small amount by Lennon, who HATED it).

This seriously might be my favorite song of the entire series thus far.

Just the Ten of Us (Coaches)?

ExCUSE me, sir! I think you'll find the character's name was DIAPER MAN. Your knowledge of mid-1960s Mighty Mouse backup cartoons is clearly lacking!

One of the most telling things about the documentary that came with the Phantom Menace DVD (which is still one of the best making of's out there) is seeing George surrounded by all those yes-men. They legitimately seemed to not understand how terrible the decisions being made were. Everyone was so excited about being

"It is called 'Marble With Wood". It is made entirely of marble."

That rooftop chase was the first time I've ever seen a staple of comic-book storytelling done so effectively in live action. Loved it.

I recently came home from work to find my girlfriend sitting on the couch, bawling her eyes out. I asked her was was wrong, and she indicated the TV, which was playing Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood,, and she was completely unprepared for how unbelievably goddamn sweet that show is.

Oh, Caillou. Fuck that kid. Fuck that kid so goddamn hard. "I don't WANNA take a bath!!!!" DROWN THAT MOTHERFUCKER AARGLEBARGLEGRRRRAHHHHHH

The first season of that was deep-fried awesome.

I've been reading the Jeff Parker/Doc Shaner series this week. Holy Christ, that is some fun stuff right there.

I only have fifty cents!

This is going to sound like a reach, but it's the pictures we've seen of the back half of Season Seven that leads me to think Don is growing. The last time we saw Don, he was the only person in the entire cast who remained virtually unchanged from the very first episode. The Sixties have happened all around him, and

Hawkman, if I remember correctly.