Commander Plutonium

As a Nerdfighter and a big Doctor Who fan, I got into the trock band Chameleon Circuit in a big way when they first came out. I was already familiar with Alex Day and Charlie McDonnell, but that made me a lot more aware of them. While Charlie was (and is) a delight, Alex always had a seriously scummy vibe to him, and

I missed out on the 70s run by and large, but I was hooked on the 80s/90s run as a kid. I loved Agenda for Murder; Falk's chemistry with Patrick McGoohan was spectacular, and at the time Falk himself had read up on the then relatively new means by which Columbo caught the killer and was pretty excited about it when it

Franco! *jazzhands while simultaneously trying not to drop the book*

A fiendish thingie!

The DVD set SO has my money.

The live version of that sketch is an example of a sketch actually being much, much funnier that the original show version. The live version is even longer (somehow) than originally written, and for some reason the business of Idle wandering through the audience, unceasingly complaining, before being led away by

The whole bit about crashing into her life bit makes me think Milla Donovan.

Queenie is all kinds of the best. "I may have the body of a weak and feeble woman… but I have the stomach of a concrete elephant."

Why, what does - OH MY GOD

He doesn't NEED it (parody is protected speech), but as a courtesy he asks and won't record it if he doesn't get it.

Bowls are the WORST.

The DVD set is completely worth your money. While it's true that the first season is uneven, the rest is spectacular, and you can easily lose an entire day watching it from beginning to end.


Thank God, I seriously thought I was unusual in this regard. I have shelves of games that I've never played but grew up loving to go through the books, create characters, build adventures in my mind, all that. I had the Marvel Super Heroes RPG from TSR when it came out in 1984 and played it with people for the first

I literally threw my copy of "Sword of Shannara" across the room halfway through trying to read it. I had heard that it was just Tolkien with the serial numbers filed off, but HOLY CHRIST.

I rewatched it pretty recently, and it's got a slightly better than average good-to-crap ratio, especially compared to other Saturday morning shows from the 80s. The episode when everyone has finally had precisely enough of Venger's shit and say, "Fuck this noise, we're killing Venger" was actually a pretty good half

Man, I never thought I would actually miss the A&E that was The World War II Channel.

I can't begin to imagine the beauty and wonder that modern processing power could bring to text-based word games that are infuriatingly impossible to solve. Goddammit, just put the fucking fish in my ear so I can move on to the next thing!

Did anyone even TALK to John Rhys-Davies????

Larry had a point when this was essentially The Piper Chapman Show, but as she cedes more of the spotlight to the rest of the cast, the non-prison people in Piper's life have very little point in being around on a regular basis. Larry as a character is kind of a shit, but, honestly, so was Piper before getting to