Commander Plutonium

That explains his Christmas wish for loads of matador stuff. (He gets confused.)

The Universe makes no sense.

Hang on… CSI is still on the air?

This sliding scale makes me very sad indeed.

Whedon puts together decent casts, but the fact that they tend to work well together and get written to VERY SPECIFIC characters tends to wallpaper over the fact that the actual acting tends not to be terribly strong. When it works, it works beautifully, but any time you need to have (for just one example) Nicholas


The show showed a lot of promise from the rest of the cast, but he was a fucking mountain of awesome on Surviving Jack and I'm really disappointed (but unsurprised) to see it go. (This is Dan T., btw)

Community: The New Class!

My gf freaking LOVES this guy and I can definitely understand the appeal, but so much of what she plays sounds like he has the song half-written in the van on the way to the studio and he doesn't have it QUITE worked out just yet.

AICN is still a thing? Huh.

I love Who so very very much, but nothing this season merits the Hugo. These are all basically there to lose to GoT.

I've been rewatching the final season of Chuck, and I was really taken aback by how clumsy the car placements were. Car placements in general, for some reason, seem to be tricky; I remember an episode of Smallville where the story stopped dead so that the characters could shill whatever that week's model was for

Can we at least make sure we get an episode or so of Affleck running around doing his Chris Moore impression? That was fried gold, right there. "If you'll excuse me, I have to go home and shoot my wife."