
I think that because it was ignored, it did not go away.

If there were mandatory real life self-identification at the event, the cowards would have been peaceful as lambs. Give them a keyboard and avatar and the little twerps act like Hells Angels.

How do the organizers not see this?

I keep telling people, the number one way to fight this shit is to ransack their home bases. Get your asses on reddit and 4chan and 8chan and Voat. Half of you do what you can to drown out the bullshit with your own posts, the other half lurk long enough to get access to the back-alley IRCs and private subs where the

I just had to go look uo what red pill means here. I need wine. :-\

I’d love to write off Gamergate, but we can’t. It’s still “a thing,” and it’s important that people continue to fight their social bullshit, because they’re as damaging as the red pill types.

Very true. I’m not sure he would consider himself “part of Gamergate” but the way he described her and her work was almost word for word what I've heard and read in Gamergate discussions though. When I asked him if he'd ever read or watched any of her work, he hadn't. Hence my conclusion that he was told not to like