The new winner of the name-to-make-fun-of title previously held by Imogen Poots?
The new winner of the name-to-make-fun-of title previously held by Imogen Poots?
I can't wait for what Kiefer Sutherland will do when he's a fake president interrupting a real debate.
Better if it was Dennis Haybert from 24, and then he'd suddenly break out into an Allstate advertisement.
I read lists on blogs, magazine articles based on books popularity, how many sales it made, how conterversial it was.
I just believe whatever the Internet tells me.
I made this completely unrealistic deal with myself to read all the best books of all time and this year I read Candide by Voltaireā¦.(and Le Misanthrope by Moliere) but Candide is of course the more famous novel (well it's a better novel than Misanthrope)
Only saw FJ but Trebek was giving some last minute snark like there was no tomorrow.
Harrison Ford- the old guy who doesn't give a fuck if anyone is on his lawn.
It can be two women.
Where is @Lying Cat when you need him?
Are we long lost siblings?! I forgot to mention Somewhere Tonight!
looks at @BonerTime's avatarā¦.wonders if he self-conscious
My list for the year
*whispers* "That's like me and St. Vincent."
I think Beach House's Depression Cherry to be one of the best albums of the year as well as Beach House's best album so far. They just keep producing the greatest dreamy melancholy beautiful tunes that gets me every time, especially Space Song.
My favourite girl alliance will always be Survivor Vanuatu.
I rewatch it just to hear Sandra's many ways of cussing people.
Danni was like a tall worm that just found cracks and destroyed alliances.
*audible gasps*