I loved it, Jeff plays this game vicariously through players and he is a definite fan of Joe.
I loved it, Jeff plays this game vicariously through players and he is a definite fan of Joe.
I was happy to see Joe fight through that heat-stroke. Of course it just made him a bigger threat.
Don't forget to pick up your CancerAids on the way out!
My mother thinks so. She also believes unisex names are confusing. Ironic since she has a unisex name.
But your parent's name is "Now See Here". Who are you to judge?
I went to school with a boy named Shannon and his mother said that if she had a daughter she would name her Daniel(le) and my mother responded "I wouldnt name my daughter Shannon, I would want her to have a good future."
Jenna Maroney's crazy name choices of "FrisbeeFace" or "Glock" , gender irrelevant, seems more and more normal these days.
I missed hearing the word Sassenach in that thick Scottish accent.
50-cent became Ice Cube so fast I barely even noticed.
Seeing that Im from a country where Thanksgiving isn't recognised….the same.
I made that same joke regarding the Creed movie to my brother and he responded "Isn't that guy in rehab now?" thus killing the joke for me….but AV Club did it better!
Today in "Trebek is an Asshole"
"Ah, Attendez la creme!"
The A.V. Club
I happen to have been watching a lot more Daria these days. I think it's just stress, it makes me misanthropic.
On a related boastful note, I passed my Statistics Coursework!
She gave my mother another reason to hate an American Accent….or whatever accent she has.
Only came in close to the end but Trebek was giving some great last minute assholism!
Great. Another Kelly for Kelley Wentworth to eliminate.
She made both Liz Lemon and Lucille Bluth proud