
Obviously I don’t think she should get a penny because I don’t think she should have been hired, in the first place. But it was inevitable she’d get the full amount.

There have been several cases where things hit or went through people’s windshield on the highway, that were on Jalopnik, and were not GT-Rs

Escalation of extremist humour, deprecation of social inhibitions, and a recent history of people escaping without consequence or guilt. Likely brought on by normalization via recurrent media broadcasting.

In other words, stupid people see shit on TV and Youtube and think “I can do you one better and get away with it.”

I was in denial for about a month after I saw it but I eventually was able to admit to myself that TFA was, in the words of Mr. Garrison, “More like a Happy Days reunion special than a movie.” Except a TV reunion special is supposed to be an exercise in pleasant nostalgia, whereas TFA is pervaded by a sense of “Back

Seriously. Why is everyone horrible now? Who the fuck thinks this is funny, or a joke, or in any way a good idea? 

There was a spree of this sort of shit around Raleigh, NC back when I first started driving and it’s made me paranoid of going under overpasses ever since.

Someday I hope to live in a world where my misanthropy isn’t reaffirmed every half of every second of every day.

How someone can just casually murder people from an overpass is incomprehensible to me.

This is fucking horrible.   What kind of piece of shit person thinks this is “funny” or a sport?  These kids need to have their parents held responsible and made an example of so this shit stops.  

Yeah, I hated TLJ, but I ditched Star Wars fandom years ago. My childhood memories growing up in the 70's loving the hell out of Swar Wars are just fine, but the recent spate of SW movies flat out suck ass.

Hemsworth’s character, and the other character’s reactions to him, were actually the only consistent laughs from me.
Leslie Jones had a couple of good lines too, which surprised me because from the trailer I assumed her whole bit was going to be to shout very loudly and fall down.

The problem with Ghostbusters ‘16 was not that it was an all female cast.

EXACTLY. This was a lousy example for both sides of the misogynist fence to fall on their sword over. I blame the irate Internet douchebags first and foremost who just loathed the thing before ever seeing the final film, but I also throw some blame over on Paul Feig and Co, who quickly latched on to any criticism as

Crowe was easily the most interesting part of The Mummy.

AV Club still sticking up for Ghostbusters is the progressive version of the sunken cost fallacy.

I think they should have given Russell Crowe the first jab at it with Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde. There haven’t been a ton of movies about him and I think it would have been more interesting than the Mummy.

Still smarting over the incompetence of Universal’s Dark Universe. There was so much potential there. But you can’t make Dracula dull and completely miscast Tom Cruise and, worst of all, try to turn your monsters into superheroes and expect success. Set all that shit back in the good old 19th century where it

It’s a shame that there’s no way of saying that Ghostbusters is a lazy, sloppy, jumped-up SNL sketch without instantly finding yourself in the trenches of the culture wars alongside Milo Yiannopoulis.

You forgot to mention the reason Ghostbusters 2016 flopped.

I love Taron Egerton and Mendelhson but that new Robin Hood just looks dismal. I’ll take an American Accented / Bryan adams soundtracked Robin Hood over the new one.