
The problem wasn’t with Tom Cruise; the problem was with the source material being hit and miss, and not that great even when it “hit”. The first movie was fine, because whoever adapted the novel into the screenplay did an inspired job. The second movie was shit, because it wasn’t one of the better novels to begin

The better question is “Which of these upcoming Bad Robot productions won’t be a shite knock off of someone else work.”

I can see how if you read the books, where the author apparently describes Jack Reacher’s long limbs in florid detail over and over again, it would be annoying to watch the movies and see Tom Cruise.

First Jack Reacher was good though? And lead to a reinvigorated Mission Impossible franchise. Shut up.

Child calls Tom Cruise short. 

I’m still unreasonably angry that some internet article said James Cameron was a lesser J.J. Abrams.

Montell Williams is a former Marine and Naval Officer. He was the first black president of his high school. He graduated from the US Naval Academy in Annapolis. He was stationed on submarines for 3 years. After he left the Navy, he focused on community service in the inner city, setting up a non-profit to help studen

If you think that’s bad, the doll of me looks like a elderly scrotum with googly eyes.

The real question isn’t “Is it a Cloverfield?”, it’s “How will J.J. manage to ruin this good idea by forcing it into being a Cloverfield?”

I feel that to really surprise us at this point it would have to be in a completely unrelated genre. The Big Bird/Cloverfield Adventure on Sesame Street. Mary, Queen of Scots and Cloverfield. The Irish Potato Famine: A Cloverfield Documentary.

Haywire is so, so much better than Deadpool

She’s not a good actor and I don’t give a shit about MMA, but I always root for her to end up with a nice film career for some reason. Soderbergh got a really good film out of her and I’ve liked her ever since.

That tool key tho

1. Who are these assholes who think that military training is going to solve underlying mental health issues?

Dear America.

Thanks, Torch. I owned two Pintos--a ‘71 and a ‘73 Wagon. I loved those little cars. Especially the ‘71. It had the German made 2 liter engine that was a blast to hoon around in.

Why aren’t more keys like that? That key is awesome!

It’s from the movie Top Secret. Made by the same guys who did Airplane! and The Naked Gun.

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