Avoid food trucks...
Avoid food trucks...
LOL, you’re just as bad as R. Kellys defenders. “I’m not defending her!!!” you scream over and over and over again, defending her. And I’m sorry but ignoring facts (TLDR) you don’t like doesn’t make them go away. And your need to make excuses for Gaga makes me want to gag-gag.
It’s actually the new Focus
So you’re saying Farrelly can’t tell “shit from Shinola”?
Didn’t he win two?
I read some of the Oscars voters voted for “Green Book” out of spite because they don’t like being told how to vote. Crazy.
Maybe Gaga will let you touch her Oscar if you keep apologizing for her
Oh good, a Gaga stan. I guess you didn’t read it because you don’t want to hear it. The numbers (album sales, number of collaborators, tour dates, etc.) prove that what she did revived his dead career and that let him keep on doing what he was doing. He couldn’t do that shit if he was broke! But he wasn’t broke…
They are fun to work on when you can work on them at your leisure because you have a real car that always starts. When it is your only car and you have to get to work and it’s 20 degrees and snowing and you don’t have a garage, well...it’s less fun.
I listen to Mahk
Sorry, but his career was OVER and she is the one who made him famous and rich again, so her “apologies” mean nothing. Her collab with him was HER idea, and she reached out to him when NOBODY else would work with him, because she knew it would be “shocking” and it would help her sales. The only reason she apologized…
Well, Megan is right this time. It happens.
Well, one of them did ask for (and get) an internship at Feinsteins office, so they couldn’t have been too traumatized by what she said.
Wait until Amazon takes it Billion Dollar Balls to Texas and builds its new HQ there, giving the Republican government in charge more power and money instead of a progressive location like NY. That sounds like a great idea.
She should be ashamed of herself for treating them like they were adults. We all know that children should be shielded from any and all criticism at all times, the poor dears.
Maybe Lady Gaga will bail him out again?
They’ve been laughing for the past 2 years...
Or you could Balme the people who voted for Trump?
You can say whatever you like, but since you can’t come up with any proof of your assertion, I’ll just have to assume your memory is not as good as you think it is, and that Chomsky didn’t say that. The fact that others are less discerning and will accept your assertion without proof of any kind is of no concern to…