
“poor people don’t vote.”

What really matters here is that the NYPD saw this and said “Whats the big deal? This is just what we trained them to do!”

“When a woman in the audience asked asked Sanders how she could become the second-ever Latina senator.

“When a woman in the audience asked asked Sanders how she could become the second-ever Latina senator.

When a woman in the audience asked asked Sanders how she could become the second-ever Latina senator.

I love that you put “accidental” in parenthesis!  Slighting the cops and Virgil Abloh in one sly shot:) 

Nikki can’t handle liars, but she’s got no problem with a pedophile:

If I remember correctly, and I do, they did the same thing with Obama before he was even sworn in:(

I was thinking that the whole section probably played out differently in the first version. Since Finn was himself taken from his parents and forced into training to be a stormtrooper, he would have probably made the speech about the ills of slavery. It always struck me as odd that Rose had to explain that stuff to

She has the high ground but he has the office and the power. Republicans will never stop cheating because it works.

So you’re condemning the leadership for actions they haven’t taken and giving credit to the newbies who haven’t done anything yet. Cool.

WTF are you talking about?

The sad thing is that Jez and Splinter are using her and twisting her story to sell their own narrative, just like Fox and the other right-wingers.

Don’t believe the hype:

You were doing so good up until you started repeating Paul Ryans spokeswomans lies...

I’m sorry I was directing that more at Blest than you. I’m just so sick of the writers and so many commenters going after her because of her age.

Man who could do something about it doesn’t do anything about it, but says he’d sure like to.

Why do the White Supremacists have those Black dildos? And why do they have instructions on them (“ATF Insert”)