Dante Sparda

This game is a rolemodel of how to develop a game with the community. And even though it is almost 3 years playable, I am very happy to see that with the Steam release it got pushed even more.

In my oppinion the best construction and management game out there you can get.

Since yesterday anyone with the right sources can play it ... regardless of geo positions. So what?

Please find a nice argumentation for this totally stupid thesis :) Give me 5 arguments that submit you comment and maybe I think about thinking about it to be correct ;P

Since when is Buy 2 Pay better then Free 2 Pay? Did you ever really play a F2P Game? 90% of the games you buy are a bugfest by now. They are maybe

We in EU have a pretty simple popularity rule since Season 2:

Everything thats not Asia is supported by us unless they play gainst EU Teams. So we like all teams pretty much that are from Western Countries. Just because Asia is so strong and we want Western Teams on World Champions ;)

But I must admit ... its also very

So these Specs can be seen as a general advisment not as given factors. Basically any AMD CPU and Intel CPU at the same clocking should fit. So it doesn’t matter really much if I take a Core I7 4790 @3,6ghz or if I take a Core I7 920 at 3,6Ghz ... at least thats what I experience since the last years. I had to only

I also think it was skill mixed with luck basically ;) But anyways GJ

You know what the meaning of marketing is?

Well rbtv just found out! World tricked ... xD rbtv 1 - people 0

Was mentioned before in the article as well...

Played it as it came out. Played it though as well. So it cant be that bad, because I never played through a really bad game!

I can easily tell you why the most backers dont go nuts on the multiple delays ... they share Chris Roberts Vision to play in a big scaled persistent universe with a more complex trading and pirate system and interactions in first and third person view.

Im one of those backers and I think many would agree when I say