
He should have refused to have him, and stood on principle. Since he didn't, The Roots should curb-stomp his ass.

Man In the High Castle was beautifully designed and shot. Acting — UGH.

That joke is a work of sublime genius.

Jeez, what's with the Frankenstein hate?

You don't know what you're taking about. Period.

Whatever you say, man.

Jesus, you're thin skinned. You're the one who antagonized by calling me a 'troll' after I snarkily disagreed with you — does no one ever do that to you outside of internet anonymity? Did I assert any 'superiority' outside of needling you for your own 'guy who likes art' pretentiousness?

"Troll"? Just because I disagree with you? Look, I'm sorry you're let down, but you don't have to be a child about it, and I'm sure he'd say he's endeavoring to make these just as personal to him as, say, a film about a time-traveling hit man played by Bruce Willis was.

"Terrible" news. Really?

Yes, he should just hang himself now. Oh, the agony!!!

Except for all the black actors in major roles. Really, there's plenty of racism to complain about without making shit up.

Sigh. You really just absolutely do not get it. At all.

…and what the fuck would be wrong with that? There are plenty of Black people out there (I'm not one of them, by the way) who want light digestible non-crisis oriented entertainment. It's not a sin.