
Baldwin’s reaction is like that republican lady who got all mad at Ana Navarro for saying pussy on the news when she was quoting Donald Trump - same misdirection, same reduction of the word to the single, most recent instance of it’s use while blatantly ignoring the referenced, and far more significant, use.

While we may not have any hard proof (YET), there is a 0% chance Steve Bannon has never said nigger.

Where were the Congressional investigations on this? We wasted millions in tax payer dollars on Benghazi and emailz, but will this get the same attention? This seems a hell of a lot more disturbing.

Send me his address. I got some post-election rage I need to work out World Star style. Nothing really bad, just a backhand or 2.

My boss said I now “take up too much space” last week (I’m 37 weeks pregnant) and I just stared at him. He responded with “Is that offensive?” I responded with “Yes, very. You can’t say that to me.” He responded with “Oh, I didn’t know”. Of fucking COURSE he knew. He just wanted to see how far he could take it.

Isn’t she supposed to be smart? And a journalist? Check your sources, Megyn!!! She’s regurgitating anti-feminist cliches. How about speaking to actual feminists to learn what it is about, instead of anti-feminists asshats? If you want to learn anything about anything, you don’t ask the people who hate it and fear it

Yeah, I’m no feminist expert or know if I fully am, but that entire passage was some bullshit. And this:

Brb, gonna go buy my 4 year old goddaughter a “girls rule, boys drool” t-shirt for her birthday, can’t start too early on implementing the male castration agenda. Cheer up guys, we’re only 160 years away from getting equal pay, perfecting asexual reproduction, and throwing all men into space.


But when push comes to shove, no is always there for you. It is not foolproof—as, sadly, any sexual assault or rape survivor can attest—but when dealing with a boss whose goal is not to forcibly overtake you but instead to see how far he can push you, it may offer you an escape hatch.

Fuck her for coming out with her Trump experiences AFTER the election.

“I also reject the feminist messaging that treats gender issues as a zero-sum game—that assumes that to empower women, we must castrate men. You see the beginnings of this even in the schoolyard, with affirmations like, “Girls rule and boys drool.” 

Taken out of context. Disagree

Can you read? He is literally doing the opposite of what you claim.

I don’t feel like he was seeking applause or attention.

Jezebel writers criticizing someone who did nothing wrong? Things really are starting to get back to normal around here.

Yeah, I’m confused.

Maybe I’m missing something, but I feel like this post is a weird attempt to take issue with Falahee’s statement despite the fact that there is nothing wrong with it.

You were fine until the last eight words. Remember you’re talking about Democrats here, if there’s a way to fuck it up we’ll find it.

She sounds like the type of person who invites people over for dinner and then tries to get them to invest in a ponzi scheme.