Dante D'Anthony

Wow. What a talent.

Perfect. First insult people who disagree, then block them-the sign of an open mind. We're still talking about it because I didn't see your comment until today. Block away, however, everyone who challenges your assumptions and prejudices.

That's correct. And you're someone who appears to lack any ability to deal in a civil and respectful manner with someone who raises points and perspectives outside your particular perceptions of the moment. Did you counter any of my points with rational debate? OH HELL NO. I don't agree with you so I'm just a dipshit.

Love to know where the images are from-looks like a graphic novel?

Alpha Male and beta Male's are perfectly acceptable descriptions of people. Anyone who has had to deal with these personality extremes-the overbearing asshole or the passive-aggressive mealy-mouthed twit, well, they get it. Why was she a Macguffin? She has a wonderful backstory-she's an ultimate warrior. You have a

None of those films were doing that. Planet of the Apes was a surreal, kafka-esque take on the "dumbing down" of the general population. The Fifth Element was a WONDERFUL comedic fantastic roller coaster ride. On and on-these films were worthwhile, and this selective assessment the author is making of one aspect of

Really loved that episode. So many friends died around that time…the production really took one back.

IMO the series borrows heavily from Donaldson.