
Another good outing from 3. He remains my favorite of the original series Doctors. He's the only Doctor who could fight Grun and win and I believe it. I'm definitely not saying I want 11 to take kickboxing lessons, far from it, but it makes 3 unique and fun to watch.

I agree. The dreary look of some of these old eps is a real turn-off.

OK, I guess I need to check that out on Netflix.

Did Kristen Bell ever do anything sexy enough in House of Lies to be worth Googling? I'm not ashamed to admit I have no other interest in the show. It does not sound very good.

OR they were parallel universes, and somehow the accident caused the consciousnesses of both Michaels to MERGE into one SUPER-MICHAEL. That's why things are happening differently in both versions of reality, yet both are real enough to have scenes take place without Michael's presence or knowledge.

No, it's about a detective who is friends with his late partner's mustache.

I don't want to get too crazy-fan here, but let's look at Fox's drama line-up:

Family planning is maybe the most important advancement in society of the last century. It's astonishing that there are anti-birth control people in 2012. I can understand why some would find abortion unfortunate or distasteful, but I believe it should be "safe, legal, and rare," as I think Clinton used to say.

No one will ever read this, I assume, but man, this episode seemed really sexist to me. Do the writers think that women nerds just don't exist? Amy and Bernadette are basically girly-girls who happen to be scientists, and they enjoy hanging out with the ladies, dishing about boys, drinking wine, and being

I just finished watching Take Shelter a couple minutes ago, and I haven't quite processed it yet, but I wanted to reply to you and let you know that I didn't like Drive either. You are not alone. I certainly liked Take Shelter more.

I'm not sure why I enjoy filling in the plot holes of this show, but apparently I do.

I couldn't care less about this Flintstones reboot but DAMN those were some quality O'Neal goofs.

I have completely failed to watch Smash. I saw the pilot, and thought it was OK, and now I have all these episodes on my DVR without the will to follow through and watch them. Yet, I am reluctant to delete them. All these B reviews every week aren't helping. Start giving out A's or C's so I can make a choice and feel

I finally saw The Darjeeling Limited. I liked it more than I thought I would. More than the Life Aquatic, anyway. I didn't grow up with any siblings so it didn't speak to me as much as it might (or as much as, say, Rushmore did), but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

I had that coming.

I pretty much agree with the review for both episodes, so not much to add.

I agree. Happy Endings is certainly the most progressive representation of homosexuality on network TV. It makes Modern Family look like a gay minstrel show.

Some of the Observers we've seen are female. In the future women have evolved to look like homely, bald, white guys.

I'm a bit confused about one thing. September says Peter is supposed to have a baby with Ourlivia not Fauxlivia, but also says Peter was supposed to have been cured by his real father if September hadn't distracted him. But if Peter HAD been cured, he would presumably never have changed universes and Fauxlivia would

So the first poster I saw for this movie just said like "SPY VS SPY" in huge letters, and for a second I thought somehow a movie based on the Mad Magazine comic starring Chris Pine and Tom Hardy was being made, and I guess Reese Witherspoon is the gray spy (which, actually, would kind of work), and I was so confused