
You mean the porn stars? I guess that's true. He had a female wanna-be singer-songwriter on the other day, which is more equivalent to who he'd be talking to on this show, and he didn't ask her to show her body, or talk about giving blowjobs, etc., and really didn't even have the heart to tell her that her music was

I like the interview, and I like the performance, but I don't like the clips of the performance within the interview. It makes watching the full performance feel a little redundant. Is the interview an advertisement for the site? I'm already on the site. If you are posting it other places, just make an "ad" version

Agreed. That one is probably my favorite, but I also love Surgeon, Cruel, and The Year of the Tiger.

"I told my niece I wasn't taking her to see the Smurfs again and now she's, like, bending time and space."

I love Bully AND the Warriors (but Bully a little more).

Joystiq podcast used to be really good.  Now it's just OK.  But I really recommend their "With a Q" quiz show episodes they do every month or so.  Really funny.

It's the funniest podcast I've ever listened to.  I'm not sure why they aren't covering it here, since they cover other lesser Maximum Fun podcasts.


I think I like David Spade, but I haven't really liked anything he's done in a long time.  I thought Dickie Roberts was funny, and Showbiz Show was sort of okay?  I almost wanted to watch this after his interview on Howard Stern earlier this week, which I enjoyed a lot, but couldn't bring myself to do it.  Maybe the

I think it was Algerian, not Armenia.  I don't know if that makes it better or not.  I know literally nothing about Alegeria.


And just like that, I am now sad about this show.  Thanks?

I guess I thought Zuko's mom killed Azulon?  Because if Ozai killed Azulon to protect Zuko, why would the mom need to flee (or be "disappeared")?  No spoilers please, if this is definitely confirmed one way or the other later on, as I'm still watching season 2.

WHY should need to wear a ribbon to say you're against AIDS?  Who ISN'T against AIDS?  We're ALL against AIDS!  I think you should have to wear a ribbon if you're FOR AIDS.  THOSE are the people we need to easily identify.  #terriblestand-uproutine


"a neurotic would-be rock star who’s all too in touch with his inner Hamlet"

I do think death is necessary for progress and greater meaning, even if personally I'd prefer not to ever actually die.

I don't have much to add, except: Thanks for covering it as you have!  I definitely enjoyed watching it more because of these write-ups.  I probably won't have time to watch Season 2 before next summer anyway, so see you then.

I saw a big screen with a Twitter feed on it a couple weeks ago at the Improv on Melrose.  It was opening for Rob Riggle, and was pretty funny, considering.  It could probably put together a good 10-mins on Charlie Sheen.  Why not?

I agree wholeheartedly.  It'll be thousands of years in the future and people are still talking about Citizen Kane or Madonna or whatever.