
Sounds interesting on a basic plot level, but the idea of all those pop culture references turns me off a little.  I'd like some more clarification about how those things are relevant to the narrative, if the reviewer is around.  Just basic references to the existence of these cultural touchstones is not a problem for

I think John Teti could probably figure out my life if he gave it some time.  Maybe watched it twice?

I didn't know the book was critically acclaimed. Just going off the movie trailers, and based almost entirely on Hathaway's bizarre interpretation of an English accent, I assumed this would be horrible.

Those bird-horses of the Earth Kingdom look like the animals from the video game Joust. Coincidence or homage?

Double Dragon III was pretty infuriating as a kid. You get ONE LIFE in that game. I never made it past the second or third level. And it was the first time I'd been allowed to buy a full-price brand new game, and I'd loved Double Dragon II, so it was triply upsetting.

When I first saw The League I thought it was Joshua Malina. I can tell them apart now but it took a while.

Not a super popular show then?
Sad to see not very many comments here. I think these are probably the best TV Club Classic write-ups on the site right now. Maybe this isn't a popular show?

There's nothing wrong with liking Dane Cook
I'm a little exhausted with Dane Cook hate, and especially exhausted with people saying "Dane Cook fans are just people who aren't really into comedy." Iwouldn't call Cook one of my favorites, but I've enjoyed all the stand-up specials of his I've seen, and it doesn't make

Illeana Douglas
Illeana Douglas is one of those supporting actors that I'm always happy to see pop-up in something. She has a very interesting charisma and energy, and though of course she couldn't last in the Fisher household, it was fun for the time being. Though she's not a conventional beauty, there's also

Touching Zoe
Did anyone else think the other actors had their hands on Zoe a little more than customary? Almost any time she was within reach of The Doctor or Jamie they'd put their hands on her waist, or her shoulders, or their arms around her, etc.

Hottest in Truth about Cats & Dogs? Anyone else want to even admit they saw that?

Saturn can't be emulated? Like ever or with current consumer tech? Why not?

Hitting all the bullet points
An anthology of depressing Bulgarian-themed short stories?

I've thought about this before, and it's a big problem even for games that weren't lost or obscure. I mean, Nintendo's Virtual Console is a reasonable way to play older games, but certain things will never ever be on there. If you want to play NES Ducktales for example, the only legal way is going to be buying an

I still haven't watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows because it's too long. I got the DVD from Netflix for Part 1 right before Part 2 was released, and still haven't managed to do it. Two 2 1/2 hour movies is a lot to swallow.

Just to reiterate what everyone is saying
Tobolowsky is just the best. I was always a fan of his because of Groundhog Day, which is why I started listening to the podcast when I heard about it, and since then I absolutely adore him. He's one of the most amazing storytellers I've ever heard. Now when I see him pop

No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency
We've been watching No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency over the last week or so, and it's really enjoyable. I hope they follow through with some additional movies. Fingers crossed!

Kinopio — Is it possible you're actually watching True Blood?

Vodun deity Legba
I know, right? What a ripoff. Surprised DC didn't get sued over that one.

Some more Stray Observations
The Good: McGann gives a fun performance, one that is more instantly appealing than most of the earlier Doctor's in their first appearances; The show looks like it cost more than $200 to make, almost like a real, modern TV program; A sense of momentum made it easy to watch in one sitting,