
Adam Sandler derpdy derpdy derp, but he'll soon find out derpdy derpdy derp, derpdy derpdy derp.

A Girl Named Brad
When I was a kid, this show caused me to believe that "Bradley" was the feminine variant of "Bradford." Then I made fun of guy named Bradley for having a "girl's name." He didn't appreciate that.

Ruth is delighted. Can't Claire see how nice this is?
It's a minor point, but I read that scene very differently. Even before the disagreement about a divorce feeling similar to a death, I thought that Ruth was realizing she didn't want this kind of co-dependent relationship with Claire. The expressions that passed

Has anyone coined the term "manic pixie nightmare girl" yet?

Judy Greer
I was too distracted by the show claiming Judy Greer is somehow repulsive to get the joke about her being LESS attractive when she removes her glasses and takes her hair down.

I guess I'm not into dark comedy. I thought the guy dying at the beginning of the episode was really sad. That device (used mostly in crime procedurals) where we see an unknown character living their life for two minutes before they die works too well on me I guess.

A few thoughts on Tomb
This is a bit more like it! Before starting to watch classics Whos with this column, I'd only seen the 11th Doctor, and last week's serial, while interesting, seemed like a completely different character. I mean, I know each actor has tweaked his personality, but the differences between Doctor 1

I thought the same thing, but maybe she just meant it was a bus on the same route as the bus that killed their father? Even if the murder-bus was back on the road already, it would be almost impossible for her to identify it, board it in advance, and then coordinate the brothers' arrival at the bus stop at the exact

I want to buy your business
Great review! Very interesting read. I haven't watched next week's episode yet, but I look forward to it.

Did the Wire make this show redundant?
I've never seen Homicide, but I'm watching the Wire now. I'm in the middle of Season 4, because I'm following DirecTV's schedule (which will wrap up S5 in about September I think). I'm PRETTY sure it's the greatest TV drama I've ever seen.

The Switch
What a great episode! A true classic of the series. From the montage of trying to figure out how to accomplish the switch, then George's explanation of his plan "I GOT IT!!!", to the suggestion of the plan, then "She's into it," George ecstatic then furious then resigned. The whole way the storyline

Noticing and criticizing the documentary crew inconsistencies in The Office is legit, because they've acknowledged the documentary crew in specific ways as being a part of the show.

"Or candy"
I haven't seen the extended pilot, since I'm doing my re-watch with Netflix Instant, but I actually think the "Or candy" version of that joke is an improvement over "Or cocaine."

Carlos Mencia is the Owl City of comedy
Richard Jeni is the Elliot Smith of comedy
Chelsea Handler is the Courtney Love of comedy
Henry Rollins is the Henry Rollins of comedy

Secret Identities
I've always thought the scene in Night of the Ninja where Bruce Wayne refuses to fight because Summer is watching, only to turn into a bad-ass as soon as her vision was obscured, was interesting.

"Troy's plan worked! Greendale is saved!"

An Open Letter to Netflix
Hey Netflix, how about don't waste my subscriber money continuing The Event and instead start buying some Blu-Ray re-releases of classic films?

As someone of Jewish descent, I just wanted to say… I'm sorry I caused all that cancer. I didn't realize it was such a hideous disease. I guess I was just on a roll.

That's interesting. I guess it's just me then.

@DPA - And now I'm onboard again.