“What’s a roof?”
“What’s a roof?”
‘Look at this, right now you’re in spring training working out, and we’re with our people, with our silver medals.’
James at 4 is 2DUMB
Hey! I resent that statem—
Seriously, did anyone think this video ended with anything but a Romo out for the season?
Ridiculous suggestion. Even if it were true that Peterson was descended from slaves that wouldn’t be the reason why he hit his kid, that would only explain his strength and agility while doing so.
so you’re saying he’s leaving the Mets organization?
I want the story on #9 who, after a moment of hesitation, dove INTO the path of the bat.
This guy definitely walks away from explosions without looking back.
Wouldn’t it be “I’ll take the field” in this case?
Jameis is still more qualified than Betsy DeVos. And has fewer sexual assault victims than trump.
It’s a well known fact Hillary Clinton runs an animal slavery/pornography ring out of the San Diego Zoo.
Just looking at their roster, I don’t know how they’re going to succeed with only 2 Point Guards. They should look to add 2 or 3 more before the deadline ends. That’s how successful teams are built, right?
I mean he explained that people who report in war zones and cartel land are heroes. That would encompass those 2,291 heroes. The ones who aren’t reporting from somewhere dangerous are just people doing there job. I have coworkers who did audit work for military in Iraq. Their compound got shelled and some were…
The team owned by the young tech billionaire was just fleeced by an 89-year-old used car salesman from San Antonio who is suffering from dementia.
The only time John McCain was a good idea was when the alternative was George W. Bush.
So if Swags would have instead crossed over the ever living fuck out of #5 to the point you heard his ankles physically snap it would have been a Tech because he humiliated the defender?
“Technical foul for doing something I don’t understand and will never be capable of doing.” - Wonder Bread Ref
We’re in 2017 — something like this should not happen in America.