
Tulsi doing the Dos Vedanya Hula...

bullet train is not enough..

Imagine all the Jez posts were proofread!

John LEGEND’S “Imagine”?

She has been very very busy designing her tennis pavilion and doing photo shoots in hard hats

Thank you -- not minor at all. Will fix. TYVM

It’s a very dumb way of putting it, but I technically appreciate the admission: millennials don't just accept that there’s one way to do things because that’s what ppl have always done. We don't waste time on unnecessary BS, and like finding smarter solutions than what the ppl before us did. She's saying we're clever

Double translation: Laziness and cutting corners is another way of working smarter and more efficiently.

I get the impression that if it’s not a problem that can be Othered, they can’t even understand it as a problem at all.

I want to warp to November so I can maybe buy a bag of rice.

Does the U.S. even count as “first world” anymore?

Counterpoint: in general, we need to move away from the idea that every last policy needs to be means-tested, and granted only to “the deserving”, because “the deserving” is how they get us every single time.

Those would be First Grip Problems, and even First Best Boy Problems.

Those Winchester boys sure are in a tight spot this time.

Except to all those grips and prop folks and camera people etc. 

I want to warp to November so I can vote this incompetent asshole out of office.

I’d hold onto them for a while.

When my Floridian 80 year old Dad admitted it was real, my first thought was, “Aha, so Fox has flip-flopped on this.” 

They are fun to groove in a cave with, especially if you’re one of several species of small, furry animals gathered together.

Too bad all the Picts died hundreds of years ago.