
Ok but seriously though who does

Haha I like this comment

I love lamp. 

I also saw that hard factual news article and can confirm - spanfeller = herb

Some great songs here! I love Expect the Bayonet, and The Passenger is probably my all time favorite song. Also, bonus points for USA ISA, I used to know those dudes and went on an epic East Coast tour with them way back near the turn of the century 🤟🏻⚡

Wait what am I missing? Are people attacking Kotaku over blizzard coverage or something? (I don't play any blizzard games for whatever reason but those seem like big stories that might get people mad?)

I know I'm like 7 years late to this post but lol at this muskie tryna eat that squirrel 



“And he's got this weird beef with the moon" lol I was dying. It had me thinking the same thing - everything he says is just naturally hilarious. Like I laughed way harder than I felt like I should have at that moon line. 

Lol true enough but I wasn't asking for advice just hoping they do it again next year and maybe by that time I will have overcome my fear of the game

I really wanna get in on Return to Yarnham one day, but I'm terrified of Bloodborne in multiple ways. I hope they do it again next October

I don't need to go away, I was here first. You came at me, buddy

Backpedaling? I never said quitting was easy. I just came here to talk shit in the greys about people who vape nicotine and act like they quit smoking. 

For sure, quitting is insane and feels impossible to do but you can do it. For me the kicker was when my gums started flaring up and it burned when I smoked. I didn’t want to end up with gum cancer like my mom. She also has copd and still smokes.

What is constructive about insulting me and yelling about data points

I will concede that I oversimplified the process in my original post, but that’s exactly what happened. I made the decision to quit, I cut back using an e cig for two weeks and then I quit cold turkey. I never said it was easy I just said that I actually, you know, quit - instead of vaping and pretending that I quit

Wow. You honestly don’t believe that it’s possible to control your emotions? Is that your argument? That some people are born with the ability to quit and everyone else is just fucked? My mental state day to day is a dice roll in your eyes? Megalomania? I don’t remember walking into your office for a psych eval

I will not shut up. Fuck your data. I quit and it was easy and anybody reading this trying to quit who can't is a loser. There - is that what you wanted to hear? Is this the online argument you were looking for? You don't know me and what I've been through, but after quitting booze pills and cigarettes I feel like I

No, I'm not wrong. But yes, I am an asshole. I will not however, shut the fuck up. In fact it is you who may shut the fuck up, you gutless prig