
Man, I was already planning on buying Gris, but then I was on the fence after seeing reviews. Mike's review made me hyped again so I picked it up. I love it, but i keep getting stuck. Like glitch level stuck. Anybody reading this have a problem getting the red birds help you jump through the forest?

Seriously though, this site was so much better back then. Specifically the comments section. 

Yeah, as somebody from that region, the above take that you are responding to is a bit infuriating. What's happening in Wisconsin, and to a lesser extent Minnesota, is not exactly the will of the people. In fact it's fucking shocking watching from afar. This is not representation. 


They are stomping me. Haven't tried it with the patch yet. 

Gris has been getting mixed reviews, but I think i'm gonna go for it. The main complaint seems to be that it looks amazing and is easy, which come across as positives to me. 

Wow. That is just completely fucking bogus. Say it again, everybody: fuck the Republicans!

I whoopped on Ice Climbers! I don't think I've seen the rest you mentioned, maybe Roy. Everybody I've faced from FE has destroyed me. A lot of others I go toe to toe with and then they move in for the kill and just wax me right when I think I got em

I honestly don't know if I will even make it that far. Lucina hella mopped me last night. I immediately quit the game and installed the patch :p

People have been complaining about challenger difficulty? That makes me feel way better. I thought I just really sucked at smash. Probably both, tbh

That was a great game. Looking forward to this, as well. 


Midweast, huh? So like... Michigan, Ohio and western Pennsylvania?

As a person somewhat in between, I am perfectly fine with canceling both. 


I heard that too, which is why i'm not mad at myself for not finishing the whole game. It's already long! 

That’s awesome. I was always bummed I couldn’t try the original. The DS/3DS was my only available console for years. I finally broke down and bought a used PS3 to play Ni No Kuni. I loved it up until i beat it. Or at least I thought I beat it, but it just kept going...

I find it a bit <ironic> that the cofounder of Vice and the creator of Do’s and Don’ts is unequivocally a DON’T... seriously, look at this fucking shit-twiddler over here. Or I guess you can't, unless you have a subscription to *squints* 

Sorry, but I’m still fond of the original:

Turns out all those dudes back in the nineties were right. Huh.