
My last text was "Well, yeah… I wouldn't recommend following that example." Which works a little *too* well.

Do you really think we'll see what the results are before they've been corrected?

Just like how the P in JPEG should be pronounced with an "F" sound, because it stands for "Joint Photographic Experts Group." Drives me crazy when people pronounce it "Jay-Peg"

100% agree. As a DM, if I make a trap so obvious my players notice it, that's my failing, not theirs. The most memorable moments of our play have been when a party member out-thinks me.

It all depends on who you play with. Some groups want the high fantasy, everything done in character play, where you're not allowed to avoid an obvious trap if it's not something the character themselves would know. The group I DM is played almost entirely out of character, and is more likely to have someone say

On the story sync app, they showed his Gun as "D's" gun, and he ends the episode owning a crossbow, so it definitely seems likely.

That actually happened in my family when I was a kid. My parents sat in first class while my brother and I rode coach.They got their karma though. According to my dad, he sat right behind a family where the kids spent half the flight saying variations on "Wow dad, I can't believe you got us first class tickets, you're

I got to chat with him after show. Nicest guy I've met in all of music, no trace of condescending. He's really an overwhelmingly positive person. Read through his twitter posts, and you'll see that it's less about the fact that he loves to party, and more about the fact that the man IS a party.

I got to chat with him after show. Nicest guy I've met in all of music, no trace of condescending. He's really an overwhelmingly positive person. Read through his twitter posts, and you'll see that it's less about the fact that he loves to party, and more about the fact that the man IS a party.

You can stream the whole thing on NPR. It's worth a listen, but I doubt I'll be buying it either.