“It’s shit like this that makes me embarrassed to call myself liberal.”
“It’s shit like this that makes me embarrassed to call myself liberal.”
You must be new here. The Gawker network is extremely left, and anything else is shit. All of these commenters are keyboard warriors. Nothing more
It is embarrassing to read the comments of this page and see the vitriolic tone imbued into every mention of the republican party. WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE. There are pieces of shit on every side of the political landscape. Elizabeth Warren used her 1.6 percent Native ancestry to get not one but two different jobs.…
I know we all love to pile on Tesla and their fan-boyish owners.
I’ve been saying this ever since they put 8" nav screens in the dash, and overhead video for “the passenger...”
It's a Land Cruiser. It went cruising the land.
I think the only plausible explanation is that this Land Cruiser decided it would be best to just run away after experiencing whatever trauma that owner just put it through.
Yeah I have to agree. I have met some amazing Australians- the ones I have encountered (some of my very best friends in the world) have had a pretty awesome outlook on work-life balance. As a silly example, not only do they know and understand all our euphemisms for sex, they’ve got an entire vocabulary of terms…
The British truly are amazing. Take a bunch of hardened criminals, ship them around the world, and make them hate fun just as much as someone from London.
Right?? Like, has this dude been a fucking cave for 20 years and just found about about Eminem after reading this article?
He also bashes Trump on the new album calling him “Agent Orange.”
Yeah, who knew one of the most popular musicians in the world had fans?
I eventually settled on assuming he was trying to say that every Eminem album that comes out is considered bad for a period of time after its release, which would be news to me but I kinda get it. I never rush to listen to anything he puts out, but I end up liking a lot of it when other people play it.
I can tell you’re a virgin. Good luck in life loser.
Guy who enjoys mindless repetition, empty lyrics, and random ‘tourette’s-like’ outbursts of ‘skrrrrt’ in his hip hop writes scathing article about person who represents the exact opposite. So incredibly cutting edge and just what we should expect from a master of internets.
Thanks, I was puzzling over that for a bit.