Dan Schmiedeler

Said fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf. 

He wasn’t fired - I believe he left the show voluntarily to star in the very bad “The Transporter Refueled“ 

Now playing

I am totally dating myself here, but I’d throw in “Safecracker” for the Intellivision.

Zaxxon was so freaking hard!!!

This is one of the most entertaining videos I’ve seen in awhile! I especially like how he points out the mistake he realizes he made around the 3:50 mark. I am a woodworking hobbyist myself, and know all too well that feeling (I am nowhere close to this guy’s skill, though - wow!)

Good question... in the PSVR version, you simply look around, line-up your fixed crosshairs with the baddies, and hit a single button on the DS4 to fire. No motion controls required.

Please tell me you meant “feeding” your 1 mo old. :D

Here’s how I deal with it - I have another cable mounted to the top of the PSVR processor that goes to a different input on my TV. I just switch the one cable to switch between PSVR and HDR - works like a charm!

I guess here is as good as any place to mention this: if you own a PS4 and a PSVR, note that the HDR signal from your PS4 does *not* get passed through the PSVR box. If you want to take advantage of HDR from your PS4, it is necessary to bypass the PSVR box entirely.

I’m fairly certain that’s “Nex Machina.”

Isn’t what you’re referring to exactly what Nintendo did with the Legend of Zelda formula, in order to create Breath of the Wild? I think I watched about an hour of it streaming at last year’s E3... it is now my favorite Legend of Zelda game of all time!

“Melee counters and 360 degree aiming does not make a Metroid.”

The Curious Case of Samus Aran

What are these people smoking that are saying that AM2R looks better than this new one? I appreciate the retro-aesthetic as much as the next guy, but I think Samus Returns looks fantastic. (Oh, and a bit of advice to whomever wants to spend 6 years recreating a Nintendo game without their permission - don’t do it -

“World Clique” is easily my favorite dance album of all time. If any of you young’uns out there have never heard it, be sure to grab it from appTunes or the iStore or Pandorama or whatever-the-hell.

ONLY 60fps at 1080P? What is Nintendo living in, January 2017?

I would say between a 7 and an 8. It’s not anywhere near as emotionally moving as Journey, but stylistically it’s up there. It’s a great game!

So you’d feel perfectly comfortable pointing the grey version at a cop. Gotcha.

Um, why are you assuming that he based his comment off of the first picture of the gun, and not the final picture which is in fact a prototype of the water gun? Did you read the article? “Takagi Type M2019 WaterBlaster.”