Kid in a desert? I’m thinking more an astronaut on another planet.
Kid in a desert? I’m thinking more an astronaut on another planet.
I voted for all the originals except the cat and the thimble... I thought the old-timey rotary phone was more in line with the spirit of the original tokens than the newer cat, and as hesitant as I was to not vote for the thimble, well... I simply cannot resist rubber-duckies.
Jason, I think we have identical tastes - my list is almost exactly the same. I am curious, did you ever play “Closure” on the PS3? As a puzzler, I think it’s fantastic... still waiting on a PS4 version (which I’m sure will never happen.) Happy Holidays!
Here’s another good one...
A trick I learned at a young age that’s pretty cool... before placing any decals, you can use the flame from a lighter to create pretty cool “blaster damage” marks on the plastic. Practice with some non-model parts first (like the frame you break the pieces out of,) and hold it in the fire for just seconds at a…
“The Enigma of Amigara Fault.” Yes, the Drifting Classroom - also great!
That is by *far* my favorite Junji Ito story!
Oh, boo-hoo... try living on Bouvetøya.
I, too, fear that I will be obligated to purchase this software package.
He should have ended the review with, “but hey, overall, it’s a heck of a lot of fun and the kids will have a blast!”
Agreed... especially considering that most of these guys broke off from Rare, which used to be mostly Nintendo-exclusive. It would have been an even more fitting homage to the Nintendo classics like Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64.
I’ll see your 3 hour max, and raise you 1 hour. :)
It’s so cool that you know the battery life of the Switch before any other human on earth!
Mike, are there things like optional secret areas or collectibles or anything that might stretch game-play out even longer?
Why is the protagonist a furry? That alone sort of took away any sense of dread I might get from the game.
Two Men Boxing
I love how on the day that Apple announced the new Mario Run game for the iPhone that Nintendo’s stock jumped 28%... Nintendo announces a brand-new, totally innovative gaming system? 2% jump.