Dan Schmiedeler

I think you mean $50/year.

Shikozu, this may sound a little odd, but the death of Pikmin are sort of an integral part of the game. Yes, it is possible to accomplish much in the game without losing too many, but having played both Pikmin 1 and 2 to completion, I feel confident in a certain interpretation I have about what the games are "about"


Yeah, I agree with a lot of the comments here - it looks pretty boring, i.m.o. The Wonderful 101 for the Wii U looks a million times better and more fun.

Have they done away with the ability to "hoard" your Pikmin around and object or enemy, as opposed to throwing them? I was somewhat of a pro at that particular move...

OK, this is cool, but I have to ask the obvious... why didn't he spring for 3 more cubes for the lower right-hand corner? Then the title could read, "Mega Man, Made Out Of 100 Rubik's Cubes." Is the number 97 tied to Mega Man somehow?

$300 is pricey, and I personally don't really care about Android gaming... but the idea of streaming my PC games to the unit over my local wi-fi is very appealing. Unfortunately, I just read that this feature is only available for desktops with the GeForce GTX 650 (and higher) cards — I have two GTX 580's in an

Hey Owen - again, sorry to post here, I'm not too familiar with how to just contact you directly. For the record, I have gotten my kickstarter refund from Precursor games - apparently, there was just some mix-up with the account, or something. Shortly after I mentioned it to you earlier, I received this email from

Hey Owen - I wasn't sure where to post this, but I thought you and Kotaku might be interested to learn that the $50 refund I was supposed to get for my "Shadow of the Eternals" Kickstarter contribution has failed — I was originally informed by Precursor Games that I'd get it automatically via PayPal, but then this

It's nice to see you keeping plastic crap away from your (hypothetical) child.

Hey intelectual adult - it's spelled "intellectual."

The latest Tomb Raider has a couple of hanging-upside-down-while-shooting-baddies sequences - they're fun!

Haha - I thought the exact same thing!

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is one of my favorites...

Oops - wrong thread. :)


They did actually re-release 1 and 2 on the regular Wii as part of Nintendo's "New Play Control!" series — they play much better with the Wiimote used as the pointer instead of the GC's left thumbstick.

Damn, that scene freaked my s**t out.

Hear hear! I picked up an N64 from a local game shop recently, and played the hell out of DK64. Personally, I think it's awesome — kinda magical, in a weird way.

I forget if it's only in the Zork games, or perhaps all Infocom games, but I remember something weird happens when you enter the command "plugh." I can't believe that never showed up in Ready Player One. :)