
I think it a very weird and twisted way, it was intended as a complement. It was to create a bizarre sense of intimacy “you and I are going to have the meatloaf.” Sort of like a guy ordering for his date, both a show of power and a show of intimacy. Perhaps he remembered Christie saying he loved Meatloaf, and

Wait...this necklace doesn’t make sense? The pieces are the same! They won’t fit together in a way that makes sense!

Christie should just legally change his name to “the gimp” at this point.

I’m pretty sure this sums up how NJ feels about Chris Christie:

Because it should have been a bow tie. Be classy, folks!

Oh shit, I should probably clarify that I don’t actually believe any of his garbage. I just keep his site bookmarked so I can see what the loons are up to. What shows up on his site is the stuff that actually resonates with Trump and a lot of the base he’s trying to rile up.

‘The first thing I thought of when I heard about it is: How does the press get this information that’s classified? How do they do it?’ Mr. Trump said of the leaks. ‘The press should be ashamed of themselves.’

Do you think he’s going to resign? I mean Tillerson. The guy is used to a much more comfortable lifestyle where he gets treated with respect, and his boss is not an insane narcissist.

I think some of his voters knew exactly who they voted for in November. That’s what depresses me the most about the last election.

And if another asshole from the northeast who spends most of his time playing childish games realized he didn’t belong in the White House either we wouldn’t be in this situation.

Wouldn’t a more accurate tweet have said “PEOTUS fully briefed Gen. Flynn on what to discuss prior to conversations with Russian Ambassador.”?

I resent that comment. This has been my nickname since the release of Planetside 1. Trump can’t take that away from me.

Not so much the news as its source.

Ding, ding, ding! This is, after all, the man who “knows more about ISIS than the Generals!” Bigly.

Wait, why isn’t Hillary threatening to sue Kate or complaining about her on Twitter? Isn’t that how we do things now? Also, I thought liberals were snowflakes who can’t take a joke. This doesn’t fit the narrative!

If it’s Petreaus, he’ll have to notify his probation officer because he’s still on probation.

Next up at bat: Ted Nugent.

And John Roberts from Fox News had this report:

I really don’t see why Cheeto Hitler doesn’t just do it himself. Why does he need anyone else, anyway? Isn’t he the smartest, most well-informed, most brilliant tactitian the world has ever known?