so we can all agree now that Obama getting shat on by republicans was racism and Hillay getting shat on was sexism right??
so we can all agree now that Obama getting shat on by republicans was racism and Hillay getting shat on was sexism right??
This is where the libertarian-leaning branch of the Republican party needs to speak up. Civil forfeiture is probably the closest thing we could legally get to “the government is gonna take all my guns!”
Ring ring ring ring ObamaPhone!
Also, notable that the recent Quebec mosque attack isn’t on that list. Or the couple of mosque burnings that have happened in the US over the last couple of months...
I’m not the first to put this theory forwad, but my Aussie friend told me the consensus in Australia is that Trump wasn’t paying attention for the briefing prior to his call with Turnbull, so when an aide handed him the phone and said, “here’s PM Turnbull of the Australian Liberal Party” Trump just assumed Turnbull…
All joking and clever Tweets aside... how the fuck can anyone- with a straight face- say the San Bernardino attack wasn’t covered by the media? It was literally the lead story every day for about two weeks... and then was a story AGAIN with Apple’s refusal to unlock a fucking phone. DONALD TRUMP HAD STRONG OPINIONS OF…
Not a single fucking mention of the Bowling Green Massacre!
That tweet was sent out a few minutes after an episode of Morning Joe where Scarborough was discussing the SNL skit, and also the Time Magazine “Great Manipulator” cover, and rhetorically posed the question “Is it true that Bannon is calling the shots?” So Trump obviously directly answered that he’s calling the shots.…
Do the old gimmick of having Trump look in the mirror. Baldwin plays Trump; Rosie O’Donnell plays the reflection.
The failing @nytimes writes total fiction concerning me. They have gotten it wrong for two years, and now are making up stories & sources!
Show some respect. That chick from Kentucky I boned all summer in Ft. Lauderdale (you don’t know her) was slaughtered in the Bowling Green Massacre.
Sanders spent a shitton on paid commenters, too. Revolutionary Messaging was one of his biggest expenses, and what inspired the Clinton campaign to do Correct the Record (which did require people to identify themselves).
And here I thought only GEORGE SOROS paid for this kind of shit.
This is exactly why the right is constantly talking about paid trolls and paid protesters. Because they do it!
Classic projection again!!
But some would say that revoking 100,000 visas is a small price to pay to prevent another Bowling Green Massacre, an event which was so tragic and horrible that it doesn’t even seem real...
Destruction of property, possible at a felony level. Also, you would help galvanize his base and hurt your own cause in the process.
There is a difference in taste when you use oil that should have been changed. Old cooking oil collects small pieces of food in it which cause it to take longer to heat up to the right temp. So when you put food into cook it has to sit in the oil longer and it just soaks in even more of the oil making it greasy and…