Same as Netflix. Some douchebag pays $9 and watches 5 series in their entirety in a weekend and then slams Netflix for not having any new content. It’s not the companies fault, it’s the piece of shit consumer that wants everything for cheap but then cries when it’s not perfect for them. Just ban them since they wont…
I think most of us that dont live in mommy's basement and have a job enjoy the game you piece of shit.
Iimagine you not being such a piece of shit...
$60 entitles you to be s human piece of shit? Maybe have mommy help you out. It's always the same small group of people that cause all the other issues as well. Please all just kill yourselves so the rest of us can enjoy life.
Stop mooching wifi every day. It's weird. Handled it wrong, sure. But really? Dont you have internet at home? Or maybe a neighbor lol.
Your donald trump statement was uncalled for and it illustrates how weak of a “reperter” you really are.