
Right on sister! There’s no point n there being an Outlander TV show if it doesn’t follow the books. What would be the point? Sure it has to stray a bit, but I love how each season is one book. If some people don’t like how closely it’s following the books they’re going to hate it when a ‘certain American war’ rolls

Hey dude...1st of all, give Ron a break! And 2nd, u might b givivng spoilers to our mates who haven’t read the books!

Opp’s, I’m meant revolutionary eat not revolutionary eat...duh!

What ur saying is a problem can’t b tackled unless the writers go off book! I don’t want to give any spoilers away n case u haven’t read the books, so I’ll just say this...please b patient!

Remember this is also a historical novel, I wanted to give up while reading a few of the books. I’ve learned more about the American revolutionary eat from Diana than I ever did n school. Just hang with it, I ‘PROMISE’ every tedious part has a purpose, & will b totally worth it!

The shoe or the show? Doesn’t anyone proofread their posts? Sorry, that was rude, I make mistakes all the time too! Did Frank send the letter? While the season progresses try reading Diana’s book at the same time, it’ll help explain things. The show pretty much follows the books chapter by chapter. Which is a

Just a friendly suggestion...don’t forget to proofread before you post