Assigning penalties based on actual risk to the public of a particular infraction is certainly a reasonable approach to take. It’s just an aggravating factor.
Assigning penalties based on actual risk to the public of a particular infraction is certainly a reasonable approach to take. It’s just an aggravating factor.
The spiralling ‘holier than thou’ dipshit would argue himself back into being 3/5ths of a person if he fucking could just to spite other people.
“hate” is such an extreme reaction. Extremely mild in this case.
Now that these states are poised to outlaw abortion fully, their next steps will be to expand access to contraceptives, work to improve maternal health, guarantee maternal leave, make daycare more affordable, and expand pre-K programs, right?
Don’t you love change-for-the-sake-of-change as opposed to change that accomplishes something? Jeez, why not?
Perfect for the guy who likes to post pics of the price of his fill-up and blame others for his bad decision.
If you’re where I live, no-one blames the oil companies. Everything that is wrong is Biden’s fault and gas would be 99 cent/gallon if the guy that can barely walk (let alone ride a bike) was in charge.
The issue isn’t the gas tax, the issue is price gouging by oil companies. The price of oil is not disproportionately high enough to justify current prices - the current record high is entirely a profit-driven move by those companies. I would actually argue for an increase on the gas tax in general knowing that it…
The American consumer isn’t burdened by taxes. They are burdened by gas prices.
Elon is a champion of free speech, unless he doesn’t like what you’re saying.
It’s hypocritical for Musk to claim to be a free speech absolutist and then fire people for their speech. Doesn’t matter that he’s legally allowed to fire them.
The point is that it’s pretty rich for someone to talk about how they’re such a free speech advocate, then fire people for criticizing them in public.
Linking to an article behind a pay wall should be illegal
expected more responses along these lines. when i was younger and poorer i’d happily grab this “totalled” vette and drive it.
I’ve seen cops in our area leave their cars running, in a parking spot, while going into a restaurant to each lunch. I asked a cop I casually am acquainted with on the reason why they leave them running and the answer was “so that there is less down time when responding to an emergency call.”
Sure....I bet that 3…
How about we just tell cops to stop idling on the side of the road trying to catch speeders and save gas that way.
Stop electing morons.
Most people are also road tripping in something that gets better than 12 mpg.
The new livery should be scrapped because he is f*cking traitor, but I’ll accept this excuse.
VERY much agreed. I have driven a number of them, and found none of them at all involving. If I want my internal organs re-arranged by acceleration, a ticket to Six Flags is a lot cheaper.