Glad he’s safe. I also envy his wanderlust a tad.
Glad he’s safe. I also envy his wanderlust a tad.
Cop: “Howlong has this car been in the state of California?”
“My job is to secure digital real estate, and not to know what years elections are held in.”
The fences at Atlanta-Fulton County were 10-feet tall. There were very few would-be homers that got pulled back in that stadium.
Suppose an adolescent fundamentally disagreed with his or her parents, ran away from home, and then found a way to eke out a meager, yet independent existence. Would you expect that person would ever entertain moving back in with the folks?
I am glad that there is an indictment. I wish it could have come down in nine weeks instead of nine months.
Well there is certainly no threat of that ever happening.
That is correct, January 2018. In Georgia legislators meet for 40 days of the year, starting on the second Monday in January. They schedule some breaks and don’t include weekends in the 40 day count, so they typically adjourn in late March.
I don’t want to add to the click count of any of the wrestling posts, so I’ll say it here: Please stop posting about a phony, contrived, and fictional wrestling on this otherwise solid sports site.
There are pitchers who have hit two in one day before. Hell, Jim Tobin hit three in a game for the Boston Braves.
You care to point to where I stated that gag orders do not apply to witnesses?
You are correct, a motion in limine is a request to prohibit certain testimony (or other evidence) from being allowed at trial. Motions in limine are brought by parties to the case.
In almost every case, one does not have a duty to report a crime. But there is often a duty to report abuse of children, especially by certain government employees.
You can glean two things from Geno’s track record. No doubt about it,he is a hell of a coach. But he’s also a huge asshole.
Just lend, baby.
So the North Carolina government is still saying fuck you to open-minded cities and the transgender community, but they’re only saying it for the next three years and eight months. Gotcha.
Please don’t click on links about LaVar Ball.
If you have a washer and dryer in your residence, it’s really not that bad. You throw some stuff into a machine, put it into another machine 45 minutes to six hours later (filtering out the things that can’t go into that second machine, which can be made easier by throwing said things into their own mesh bag at the…
Please do not visit the infowars site. The less traffic they get the better.
Go fuck yourself with a discarded healthcare repeal bill